Life and Arrays
Hello everyone! I hope you all doing well. In this article, I have written a close relation between how Life fits best with the working of an array. This article will be interesting for those with having programming background.
Many times in our life we face challenges and hurdles. Some obstacles also pass our way. We may fail in certain situations and pass on other occasions. But, the problem that many of us face while encountering such situations is that we think too much of the situations even after they had gone. Like a tide that came to the beach and then it’s worth nothing. Sometimes it’s a person, an incident or an accident that happens to you and you start to keep thinking about that person, incident or accident for a long period of time. Like your brain is traumatized. So, that incident may prove the best thing for you in the near future and you are cursing the moment you had this incident. As in Quran:
“ Something you might see as harmful but it would be absolutely right for you. and something may sound good to you but it would be actually harmful.”
(Surah: Al-Baqra (Ayat:216))
Now, let’s see how arrays work and how are things related in a sense. Array usually has indexes where values are stored. There is an iterator ( i )that moves over the values. So, let’s assume that if something wrong happens to you and you are at index 0, Do you know that what value you would be having at the next index.
Absolutely No!
If you want to see what is next you have to move on to the next index in order to get it. So, being stuck at the same index will never help to fetch the value of another index. The same is the Life, many people get stuck in traumas, accidents, and incidents and they think that they can never come out of that whatsoever. But, it’s a misconception and you really do not know what Life has put for you if you choose to Move on. Being in the same position for a longer period of time will waste your creativity and energy that could have been utilized. Let’s suppose you have an incident and I value it (100) and If you go with the approach that Ok! Let’s see what’s next? Probably, you will be rewarded with gifts and prizes as you chose not to be stuck at the moment. Arrays also give us another beautiful lesson. Let’s see what it says.
If you have achieved success in a task, you do not need to stop at this. Keep working and struggling for if you took that success as your final destination, you will be missing the real success that was made for you. Let’s assume we have a sorted array
Array= {10,20,30,40}
And you achieved 10 marks and if you think that it’s sufficient then you will be missing the 40 mark goal that was all set for you. What you need to do was to Move on to the next index. I am not discouraging you to not appreciate little success but encouraging you not to be boasted of that success and be humble for what you have achieved.
At the end I would quote my favourite author Najwa Zebain:
“I can show you the moon but I cannot make you feel its beauty. I can show you the path, but I cannot make you walk it. I can extend my hands for you but cannot make you grab them.”
So, the article disclosed the MOVE ON strategy that works with arrays and in real life.
Hope you would have enjoyed it while reading it.