A Marketing Strategy for the Crypto Donation Platform “Donat”

Lara Selina
Learn Bitcoin & blockchain
4 min readJan 20, 2023

Jacob had a great idea: he dreamed of creating a platform that would support donations for non-profits, and he made that dream a reality with the launch of Donat.network. Donat’s mission is to make it easy for non-profits to receive donations in cryptocurrency, without any technical or accounting headaches.

Through this platform, Jacob wants to promote and support crypto philanthropy in the Czech Republic and one day hopefully elsewhere too. The two pillars of it are Education and Service.

  • The Education aspect of Donat focuses on explaining the benefits of using crypto for non-profit organizations. By educating non-profits about the potential benefits of using crypto, such as increased transparency, security, and speed of transactions, Donat hopes to increase the adoption of crypto in the non-profit sector.
  • The Service aspect of Donat involves building the actual infrastructure and tools needed for non-profits to process crypto donations. This includes developing user-friendly interfaces for non-profits to accept and manage crypto donations and providing support and resources for non-profits to understand and navigate the crypto space.

I met Jacob at a university bitcoin event and was immediately impressed by his vision. He’s passionate about making a positive impact through his platform, but he knows that it’s a long-term project that he can’t work on full-time. That’s where I came in: A good marketing strategy is crucial for a crypto donation platform like Donat because it helps spread the word and get people excited about using the platform. I helped Jacob with the marketing strategy for Donat, using Notion to summarize our roadmap.

Source: www.donat.network

Donations in the form of cryptocurrency

Before diving into our marketing strategy, I want to talk about some trends and considerations in crypto donations. As it turns out, crypto donations are the fastest-growing method of charitable giving. Between 2020 and 2021, the volume of crypto donations increased 16-fold to almost $70 million. And in the first quarter of 2022, over $60 million was collected for Ukraine alone through crypto donations (source).

There are definitely some perks to making donations of cryptocurrency: For one thing, they can be more cost-effective due to low transaction costs. Plus, they’re super easy to make online, which is convenient for donors and charities alike. And let’s not forget about the potential for tax benefits and the ability to donate anonymously. Oh, and did I mention that cryptocurrencies have the potential to appreciate in value? Yeah, that’s a thing.

But, like with anything, there are also some drawbacks to consider when it comes to crypto donations. For example, cryptocurrencies can be highly volatile, so it can be hard for charities to assess a donation's value accurately. There’s also the issue of regulatory uncertainty since the legal landscape for crypto is still evolving. And not all charities are set up to accept crypto donations, so finding the right organization to support can be tricky.

The platform Donat.network

All that being said, the potential for crypto donations to make a real difference is pretty straightforward. And that’s where Jacob’s platform, Donat.network, comes in. By making it easy for non-profits to receive donations in cryptocurrency, Jacob is helping to bridge the gap between the crypto world and the non-profit sector. And with the help of a comprehensive marketing strategy, we hope to spread the word about Donat and the benefits of crypto donations to a broader audience.

The Marketing Strategy

A marketing strategy is like a treasure map for a crypto donation platform like Donat; it guides you to where the gold (aka users) is buried. Without one, you’ll be wandering aimlessly, missing out on all the non-profit organizations and crypto enthusiasts who could benefit from using your platform. A strong marketing strategy also helps to establish the platform’s brand, build trust and credibility with potential users, and ultimately drive the adoption and usage of the platform. In other words, it’s like a secret weapon to help Donat succeed and make a big impact in the world of crypto philanthropy.

In constructing a Marketing Roadmap for Donat, Jacob and I first aligned on the purpose and goals of the Marketing Strategy. We then thoroughly analyzed the platforms that make sense for marketing a crypto platform, including Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Discord.

Excerpt from the Marketing Strategy on Notion

Our next step was to define our target group, which included non-profit organizations and crypto users. We researched which non-profits were most likely to be interested in using crypto for donations and which crypto users were most likely to donate in crypto. This research helped us identify where and how to reach these audiences effectively.

Furthermore, we conducted market research to gain a deeper understanding of the target market and audience. Then we determined which tools we needed to use for automated social media postings and which events would be relevant for us to attend, both in the crypto and philanthropy industries. Our research also included learnings about the particularities of postings on different platforms and the best practices for gaining followers and building a community. All of this information has been summarized in a ToDo list and action plan on Notion to guide Donat’s marketing efforts moving forward.

This strategy can be used as initial guidelines for other crypto platforms with a social purpose.

And now it’s time to dive into the marketing world — Enjoy!

This link leads to our Marketing Strategy on Notion for Donat.

