NFT galleries TikTok

Learn Bitcoin & blockchain
5 min readJan 23, 2024

When proposing my project, the idea of NFT’s and Crypto art intrigued me, and so I decided to create some sort of promotion of crypto art and its broad uses. While at first, I had proposed an online art gallery to convince collectors that crypto is a legitimate way to purchase art I have since found from doing my research that there is existing large community of people on social media who are also intrigued by crypto art. From there I decided that I would venture to create an online platform that could bring these people together to discuss what’s new in the crypto art world. I created a tik tok account as the basis for this @cryptoart11.

The account outlines it aims as: demystifying NFT’s and crypto art, promote interesting digital artists, recommending digital exhibitions and keeping people up to date on NFT/Crypto art news. To make the account informative I researched and posted tiktoks on the basics; the definition of an NFT and crypto art and where to buy and sell crypto art. In my research I found that the NFT stands for non-fungible token which means that it cannot be duplicated as it is unique and scarce and there is proof of authenticity. Essentially an NFT is a one-of-a-kind digital file. Most NFT’s are part of the Ethereum blockchain, though other blockchains have implemented their own version of NFTs. An NFT could be anything digital such as a photo or a song and the subject of my research: art. Crypto art is preserved on the blockchain in the form of NFTs and they hold corresponding monetary value.

The market for NFT’s boomed in 2020 reaching a market value $338 million from about $41 million in 2018. As a result, crypto art also experienced a boom for example highly renowned 225-year-old auction house Christies which previously only sold physical art auctioned off Beeple’s entirely digital ‘Everyday: The first 5000 days’ for $69 million in March 2021. With the rise of NFT’s and Crypto art came the rise of marketplaces for such assets. While there are many, some of which I suggested on my tiktok, Open sea is widely used by buyers and sellers and is valued at over $13 billion, claiming they want to be the amazon of NFTs. Open sea allows you to view the art once you have connected a NFT compatible crypto wallet.

During my research of crypto art I found that its presence in the art scene is growing and this led to the question of whether there is a new crypto art renaissance occurring a few years after it was first popularised and after the market crashed. Smaller artists such as Joe Langstaffe are reaping the rewards of the crypto art scene. Langstaffe became one of Wales’ most successful artists overnight in March 2023 after he sold his digital works for around £500,000.

Miami art basel 2023 brought crypto art to the beach and to the crowds with numerous exhibition, some of which I have posted about. This includes gateway Miami exhibition featuring international crypto artists and Tezos- refraction exhibition (refraction is the first artists DAO that focuses on high impact international art) which showcased the evolution of art on the blockchain. Another event which aims to spotlight crypto art and start a dialogue about it in the art sphere is the NFT ART DAY ZRH which explores the possibilities offered by blockchain technology. Sven Haiges, a software developer at SAP Labs, speculates that only about 5–10% of the population understand NFT’s but he fully expects the level of interest to grow, this growth is aided by SAP’s new art exhibition featuring exclusively digitally produced works. Internationally, spaces dedicated to and featuring crypto art are becoming

popular this includes NFT factory located in the heart of Paris. Presenting NFT spaces are a part of my platform, Sophie T art is an artist that I found during my research and she has created an immersive experience on Carnaby street, London that features her lastest digital artwork from her NFT’s collections ‘WOMEN’ and ‘GROW’ which can be found for sale on Nifty Gateway’s Marketplace.

Galleries are also starting to feature NFT art, notably Saatchi Gallery presented its first ever NFT- Crypto art exhibition in October 2023 during the Focus art fair. The gallery has a reputation of showcasing emerging artists who later go on to achieve great success and thus this exhibition marks profound implications for converging crypto art with traditional art scene. Acknowledgment of the growing medium at such a prestigious location could point towards a new era for Crypto art.

Not only was I aiming to inform new fans of NFT’s but I also hoped to promote new projects to existing members of the crypto art community. A project released in 2023 called Trace is a new beta app which takes formula 1 race data and then visualizes it into digital artwork in the form of a mobius strip in the shape of the racetrack with different coloured lines corresponding to things that happened during the race. Each trace is created and stored on chain. My aim is to continue posting and create a social community for people interested in NFT art, encouraging them to talk about their interests and make friends with others both worldwide and locally in a safe and friendly environment.


