String palindrome using dart with complexity calculation

Viraj Sharma
learn dart
Published in
2 min readJun 29, 2019

Space and Time complexity of the program

In simple words space and time complexity of a program are almost similar as the number/unit of times a syntax of the program will run(takes that much number/unit of space)

Before calculating complexity, we take an assumption that we are calculating complexity for a very large input(worst case scenario)

Let’s calculate complexity of the above program. We will calculate complexity taking our least value as units(for both space or time).

  • For main function[total ==3 units ]
  • 1 unit for each string,list and print , i.e. total =3units for main function
  • For checkpalindrome function
  • Starting inside for loop
  • 1 unit each for int i and j, i.e. 2 units
  • Condition i>chars.length/2 will run n/2 times + 1 for exiting the loop, i.e. = n/2 + 1 units[assuming char.length = n].
  • Similar for j statement n/2 +1 (it runs same as condition on i)
  • Decrement operator i and increment operator j will run each n/2 times, i.e. =n units
  • Total inside for loop = 2 + n/2 + 1 +n/2 + 1 + n ==2n + 3 units
  • Conditional statement if will run once to check once but as it is inside for loop it will run 1 * n/2 times i.e. = n/2 units
  • As we are taking the worst case so return statement will run which is inside the for loop i.e. ==1 unit
  • Total inside the checkpalindrome function == 2n +3 + n/2 + 1 == 5n/2 + 4 units.
  • Total in both function == 5n/2 + 4 + 3 = 5n/2 + 7 units.
  • As we assumed earlier we are doing above calculations for very large inputs , so we will neglect the constants. Our program will have complexity of order of n
  • Time and space complexity of the of the program is O(n)

