They have WHAT on Spanish hiking trails??

And other reasons why hiking abroad is a great way to build language skills.

kara gaulrapp
Learn Interesting Things


Traveling through the wilderness of another country can be surreal. There’s new views, new environments, and… new languages. Let the silence of nature be optional — not mandatory!

Camping and hiking in Spain

You can check out this Spanish camping site to find great places to spend your time in the outdoors. Trails in European countries tend to be well-marked and easily accessible for any type of person. And since the areas have been “tamed” for much longer than American trails, encounters with strange wildlife are less frequent in these woods.

Travel with locals

Join a hike with some locals. Unlike in the States, everybody hikes in Europe. The trails are less rugged, and your typical European hiker looks like an Average Joe. You’ll get to practice your Spanish while on the trail. Locals are also a great way to familiarize yourself with the area and get a more “authentic” experience.

Hiking trails also tend to have (get ready for this) pubs along the way. What better way to break the ice with some locals than with some liquid courage?

Safety tips

  • Always carry a cheap phone (and put it in a plastic bag to prevent water/sweat damage) in case of emergency
  • Pack a small solar charger so you can stay connected
  • Learn the weather patterns (Cold at night but hothothot during the day? When is the rainy season?)
  • Be wary of the ever-present hoodlums. Trust local authorities.

Know before you go!

If you’re thinking of living abroad in Spain or volunteering in Spain, start practicing Spanish now! Check out this beginner Spanish vocab decks to get you started. There’s even a deck for Spanish camping vocab!

Why you shouldn’t wait

The best time to go hiking in Spain is late spring and early fall. June and September are ideal months, since the weather isn’t too hot or too cold, and the chance of rain is minimal. Start packing your hiking shoes and your language skills, and let’s go!

