The best Ionic Templates to build Ionic Framework Apps

Dayana Jabif
Learn Ionic Framework
5 min readJun 19, 2018
ionic starter apps

For those who’ve only heard about Ionic Framework but aren’t 100% sure about what it is, here’s a short introduction.

What is Ionic Framework?

Ionic framework is free and open source. It allows you to build mobile apps easily using web technologies. The good news is: if you can manage to create websites, then you know how to build mobile apps. Ionic Framework offers the best web and native app components for building highly interactive, native and progressive web apps.

You can think of Ionic as the front-end UI framework that handles all of the look and feel and UI interactions your app needs in order to be compelling. It’s like a kind of “Bootstrap for Native” but with all the support for a broad range of common native mobile components, slick animations, and incredible design.

It allows developers to build apps for every app store and mobile web, using a unique base code.

If you want to learn more about starting with Ionic Framework I suggest you to start with the following ionic tutorial:

Well, now that we’ve cleared up what Ionic Framework is and the kind of things that can be built with it, I want to talk a bit about IonicThemes.

At IonicThemes we want to help you learn more about Ionic and also help you creating robust, complete but above all nice and user-friendly applications.

build ionic apps faster

Most programmers have a lot of difficulties designing and don’t tell me they don’t because as programmers we have to go through this every day. It wasn’t until we started working with a team of designers that we really realized the difference between a good design and using Ionic’s default components. Don’t get me wrong, the Ionic team did an excellent job in the default UI Components, but in my opinion, you need to give your app a little love before publishing it.

At IonicThemes we work with a team of designers and experts in User experience to create templates that have nice and flexible components that are easy to integrate into your app.

You may be wondering, what is a template and what is it for?

A template is an app with many uses, components and functionalities that serve as a base to create your own mobile application. For example, many programmers, both experts and beginners, buy templates from IonicThemes because they want to save their valuable time instead of wasting it by programming repetitive things such as Facebook Login, navigation with side menus and tabs, extending their application to make them multi-language or integrating location based features.

When you buy a template you get all the source code and documentation needed to start building your Ionic App.

We have lots of features and ready-made components that can help you.

We believe that it isn’t worth it for each programmer to spend their valuable time researching how to do it, making the usual mistakes, getting frustrated, and then, after several hours or days or even weeks, manage to implement something that could be easily obtained by buying some of IonicThemes templates for so little money.

Ionic 5 Full Starter App

At IonicThemes we have several templates, but here I want to talk about Ionic 5 Full Starter App in particular.

I must confess that today, it’s my favorite template since it has everything an ionic app could need. Ionic 5 Full Starter App is a template updated to the latest stable Ionic Framework version

I honestly know that it’s the best and most complete Ionic 5 template that you’ll be able to find and it’s also worth mentioning that we update it and add features and improvements regularly.

Try the DEMO

What’s included?

  • All in with Ionic 5 and Angular 9
  • 100% flexible and customizable
  • +125 screens and components
  • Firebase integration (optional)
  • Firebase Authentication
  • Authentication with social providers
  • Multi language
  • Capacitor (optional)
  • PWA ready
  • Detailed documentation and showcase
  • Hand crafted by Professional developers and designers
  • And so much more…

These template has two versions you can chose from (learn more):

ionic 5 full starter app versions

We’ve seen hundreds of different applications created with Ionic 5Full Starter App. Some of our clients used it to create social apps with profiles, lists and comments, also e-commerce apps, others were brand apps with product info, education applications with videos and courses and we’ve even seen applications for airports.

Seriously… if you are building an Ionic app, getting this template is a no brainer. There are soooo many ways you can benefit from it.

Learn Ionic Framework by example

I think it’s important to highlight another advantage of using a template, which I think I haven’t mentioned yet, and is learning by example. Seeing another person’s code can help you learn good practices, find solutions to common problems, find out how to implement certain things that you’ll surely have to if you want to build your mobile application using Ionic Framework.

So, if you want to start learning Ionic Framework and don’t know where to start, search no more! Find lots of ionic tutorials with free and complete code examples.

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Dayana Jabif
Learn Ionic Framework

Driven by living a free & happy life. I create #angular & #ionic resources to help devs build better apps faster 🚀. Founder of @ionicthemes & @ng_templates