Will Language Learning Become Obsolete? Elon Musk Thinks So

Many business leaders don’t bother learning a second language. Should you?

The PyCoach
Learn Languages with TV and Books


Will Language Learning Become Obsolete?
Photo by JD Lasica on Flickr

As someone who can code and speak in multiple foreign languages, I was astonished when I discovered that many of the top business leaders I admire, such as Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, and Elon Musk, never bothered becoming fluent in a foreign language.

Language courses usually tell us that a second language would give us new job and career opportunities and improve and sharpen our minds. Yet, no one would question the wisdom and success of these entrepreneurs. So before you invest plenty of your valuable time learning a foreign language on Duolingo, let’s analyze whether it’s worth learning a foreign language in 2021 and the near future.

Why Do Some Business Leaders Speak Only English?

English is the most used and spoken language worldwide, so probably this is the main reason some tech leaders consider that it’s enough to speak English. Apple CEO Tim Cook even thinks that learning to code, it’s more important than English as a second language. In 2017, when he was in France, he said,

If I were a French student and I were 10 years old, I think it would be more important for me to learn coding…

