Is the School System Broken? Without It, Would We Be Where We Are Right Now?

Bryce Purnell
Learn Laugh Speak Library
5 min readJan 3, 2023

Have you ever asked yourself whether the school system is really broken or not?

It’s a question that is often debated, and it’s a complex one.

On the one hand, many people believe that the schooling system is outdated, dysfunctional, and unable to keep up with the changing world we live in.

On the other hand, without the school system, would we be where we are today?

But Elon recently said, we can learn anything on youtube or the internet.

But I challenge this and say on a whole it is 100% not true.

Here is why!

We learn important soft skills in school

School provides us with the opportunity to learn a variety of soft skills that are essential in both our professional and personal lives.

These skills range from time management, communication, collaboration, problem-solving, interpersonal relationships, critical thinking, and more.

The classroom environment teaches us how to interact with others constructively, helping us to build strong relationships and work together more effectively.

Learning how to cooperate with others is an essential skill that can help us be successful in any job or situation.

In addition, the school provides us with the opportunity to develop our emotional intelligence. Understanding our emotions, as well as those of others, is key to navigating life’s challenges. We learn how to respond and react appropriately in various situations.

By participating in activities such as debates, presentations, and team projects, we also develop our public speaking skills. Not only does this help us express ourselves better and build confidence, but it’s also incredibly useful for job interviews or any other situation where we must present our ideas and thoughts.

Finally, through classes such as English and History, we hone our reading and writing skills which can prove invaluable in almost any profession.

All these skills combined help us become well-rounded individuals who are prepared for life’s challenges. It is important to acknowledge the value of these soft skills that we gain through school, as they are just as important as the knowledge we acquire from our academic subjects.

School is where we learn about life

At school, we learn important life lessons that help us as adults. We learn how to be a part of a team and how to collaborate with others.

We learn respect for our peers and for our teachers, and how to earn the respect of others. We learn to do tasks on time and hand them in on schedule.

We learn critical thinking skills, which are essential for success in many areas, such as problem-solving and decision-making.

These skills can be developed by engaging in debates, forming opinions, and having to defend them. Through collaborative work and group projects, we learn how to work together to reach a common goal.

At school, we also learn about conflict resolution. Whether it is between students or between student and teacher, we must learn how to compromise and resolve our differences in a peaceful way.

This teaches us valuable lessons on how to handle disagreements in our own lives.

School is also where we start to develop our own interests, hobbies, and passions.

Through the wide range of extracurricular activities available at schools, we can explore and find something that truly interests us.

By doing so, we can begin to nurture our interests and pursue them even further.’

School is not just about learning maths and sciences. It is also about learning valuable life lessons that will stay with us for the rest of our lives.

The school system may have its flaws, but it certainly isn’t broken. Without it, we wouldn’t be where we are today.

The school system is not perfect, but it’s not broken

The education system is not a perfect one and it certainly has its flaws, however, there are still many advantages to the system that we should consider.

Education is important for the development of individuals and societies. The school system provides a framework for learning, which includes various teaching methods, resources, and an evaluation process.

The school system encourages students to be creative, think critically, and explore their interests.

Students have the opportunity to interact with their peers in a safe environment, form meaningful relationships, and learn from knowledgeable teachers and mentors.

There is a sense of community within schools and educational institutions, which can help foster positive growth and development for all students.

Furthermore, the school system is designed to provide guidance and support for students.

Teachers and staff members offer academic support and resources to help students reach their goals. There are also extra-curricular activities available at schools to help students develop skills and gain experience outside of the classroom.

The school system is not perfect, but it still offers many benefits.

It provides a safe learning environment, fosters creativity and critical thinking, helps students explore their interests, and offers guidance and support to help students reach their goals.

We should strive to improve the school system, but we should not ignore the value it provides.

Without the schooling system, we would not be where we are today
Without the schooling system, many of us would be unaware of some of the most important skills and knowledge required for a successful life.

We would not know how to read and write, do basic math, and understand essential concepts such as history, science, or other areas of knowledge. Without the schooling system, our understanding of the world and how it works would be severely limited.

At school, we also learn important soft skills that can help us develop and grow as individuals.

Through lessons, discussions, and activities, we learn to work with others in a team environment, to listen to each other and consider different perspectives. We also learn how to problem solve and find solutions to difficult situations.

Without this knowledge, our ability to take on new challenges would be greatly diminished.

The school system has been around for hundreds of years and it is undeniable that without it, our progress as a species would be significantly stunted.

We owe much of our advancement in education, medicine, technology, and other fields to the hard work and dedication of those who have gone before us. Without the schooling system, our access to knowledge and understanding would be far more limited than it is today.

Before you throw the school system under the bus, it is safe to say that without the schooling system, we would not be where we are today. The system is far from perfect but its continued existence is vital to the progress and development of both individuals and societies.

