Why Intensifiers are Important For You, And How They’re Used

English is a tricky language. It can be hard to use the correct amount of intensifiers, especially when they’re not used in the same way as they are in your native tongue.

Bryce Purnell
Learn Laugh Speak Library


Learn Laugh Speak — The intensifier in English language. Learn Laugh Speak
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You might be able to understand and speak English fairly well, but understanding how to use these words correctly can be a challenge. Luckily, there’s an easy way to learn!

This blog article will teach you how this word is used in English — and what it means for your writing.


Intensifiers are words that we use to modify or emphasize the meaning of other words. They can be used to make a statement more forceful, or to express a higher degree of something. For example, “She’s so smart!” is more emphatic than “She’s smart.”

There are many intensifiers in English, and they can be divided into several categories. The most common type is the adverbial intensifier, which is an adverb…

