The Future of Your Career and How to Get There

Flatiron School
Learn. Love. Code.
Published in
4 min readSep 27, 2019

Our remarkable ability to adapt and evolve has enabled us to design tools that transcend the limitations of time and space. Digital services have become pillars of our modern life and have seamlessly integrated into our personal and professional routines. There’s an app seemingly for everything these days and there’s a high chance that, as a regular consumer of digital services, you’ve thought of ways to improve these tools. That ability to adapt is also shaping work as we know it. Employees need to adapt as quickly as tech, which has led to new approaches to education that provide the in-demand skills they need today and for the future.

Thirty years ago you’d be reading this article in print in a newspaper. At the speed at which technology moves today, it’s available to you anywhere, anytime, and on a device that has 100,000 times the processing power than the Apollo 11 that journeyed to the moon.

In the mid-s, the steam engine and mechanization was the genesis of the first Industrial Revolution. The assembly line and capacity for mass production ushered us into the second Industrial Revolution in the 1870s. With the advent of electronic systems and automation we entered the third Industrial Revolution in the 1960s. Some even say we have now entered the Fourth Industrial Revolution of cyber-physical systems and digital networks which have digitized manufacturing and created access to global audiences.

The advent of new technologies that these Revolutions introduced have become an irreplaceable part of our social fabric. Interestingly enough, the expectations we now place on our technology to give us better, faster, and more advanced tools have shaped our professional expectations for an agile workforce.

The need for the most “up-to-date employees” has led to the need for quality, flexible education options such as tech bootcamps and online classrooms. Accelerated learning opportunities can help you gain the skills at a pace that matches what we’re seeing in the world at large. The great thing about learning new technical skills such as data science, software engineering, or UX/UI design is that you can combine them with your existing professional experience.

As autumn rolls in, you may remember the underlying feelings you used to associate with the first day of school. Perhaps you questioned why you were learning things and why there wasn’t a faster way to acquire skills. Perhaps you have always been excited about new technologies but didn’t know what you needed to learn, how to learn it, or how to pay for it. Thankfully learning new skills has become increasingly more accessible with online learning and coding bootcamp education.

Here are some things to consider as you ponder your next career move.


The internet is a resource, but it’s a rather overwhelming place when you don’t know what you’re looking for. The intensive learning environment of tech bootcamps is designed to teach you the fundamentals you need through personalized learning so that you can continue to deepen your subject matter knowledge on your own.


A thriving learning community is a critical component of bootcamp education, where we can easily pursue what we’re excited about, feel safe to try things that don’t work, and learn through collaboration with others.


The reality is that our lives demand more than just a degree but an education that keeps up with the latest technological advancements. Going back to school every time a new technology enters the market is unrealistic and calls for new approach kind of education that factors in the lifestyle and career aspirations of today’s professionals and meets the demands of modern businesses. With financing options such as ISAs and flexible earning options in-person or online, the School of The Future is here to stay. It’s time to upgrade your CV!

With today’s focus on tech companies and startups it’s easy to forget that tech skills are relevant in virtually every sector, industry, and city in the world. Passionate professionals who understand the value of technology and can implement solutions to pressing problems are always in high demand.

Originally published at

