Navigating Life After Layoffs: Finding Purpose and Success

Roberta Dombrowski
Learn Mindfully
Published in
4 min readJun 15, 2023

The last few months have been a journey, filled with unexpected challenges. It feels like every time I log in to LinkedIn, I’m confronted with yet another round of layoffs. What’s even more disheartening is that so many of those affected are my colleagues and friends. Having spent 17 months at User Interviews, immersing myself in researching researchers, understanding different companies, teams, and advocating for customer stories across the business, it hurts to see those same teams being dismantled in the blink of an eye.

Simultaneously, I’ve been on my own journey. Just two months ago, I was laid off from the new role I embarked on at the beginning of this year. Since then, I’ve experienced a roller coaster of inner monologues:

  • How could this happen?
  • You’ll get through this, you’ve been through worse
  • I’m the epitome of a career pivoter, why would anyone hire me?
  • The list goes on and on

Fortunately, I’ve been able to use this time to realign with what truly matters to me. Oh, and I also treated myself to an amazing hammock for my backyard. Drawing from my own experience and work with coaching clients, I’ve compiled some tips to help you navigate life after layoffs and discover what lies ahead.

Give yourself room to grieve

Did you know that emotions only last for 6 seconds? As Carl Jung so aptly put it, what we resist, persists. Often our emotions linger because we try to suppress or ignore them. In my work with leaders, I’ve observed a tendency to jump into action immediately after a layoff. I was guilty of the same. The week I was let go, I threw myself into my coaching business and feverishly began applying for new full-time positions. It wasn’t until a few weeks later that my body and spirit caught up with me. It’s essential to create a space for yourself to grieve. Remember that every emotion you experience is valid. Allow anger, sadness, and fear to flow freely.

Cultivate a sense of security

Once you’ve processed the initial shock, take some time to assess your financial situation. Each person’s circumstances are unique. Your former employer may have provided a severance package spanning a couple of months or just a few weeks. You might be eligible for unemployment benefits or have savings stashed away. Reflect on your specific situation and determine what you need to feel comfortable. Ask yourself questions like:

  • What do I need to feel comfortable right now?
  • What can I do to nourish myself right now?

Connect with others

A recent conversation with my meditation teacher shed light on this crucial aspect. Many people are going through layoffs right now! Regardless of how you’re feeling, remember that you’re not alone. Open up to those you trust: a partner, family member, friend, or former teammate. You don’t have to face this journey alone, especially not now. Reflect on the following:

  • What support do I need right now?
  • What does community mean to me during this time?

Create your vision for the future

You have the power to accomplish anything, but what do you truly desire? Once you feel grounded, create a space to explore your values, aspirations, and dreams. Consider the endless possibilities, not just in your career but your life. Think about how you spend your free time, the nature of your relationships with others. Reflect on the type of work you’re looking for. Are you hoping for a temp job to sustain yourself until something better comes along, or are you keeping an eye out for your dream position? Remember, work is just one facet of our lives. Ask yourself:

  • What do I really want?
  • What are my unique strengths and abilities?
  • What do I want to contribute to the world?
  • What type of impact do I want to have?
  • What type of problems do I want to solve?
  • What is my heart yearning for?
  • How do I want to feel in my next role?
  • What type of environment do I want to work in?
  • What skills do I want to continue growing in? What roles match these?

Position yourself for success

Now that you have a clearer understanding of what you yearn for, it’s time to proactively position yourself for success. Reach out to your network and share what you’re seeking, update your materials like resume, cover letter, portfolio to align with your passions and aspirations.

Embracing the unknown

No matter where you find yourself at this moment, remember that everything will be alright. You have conquered greater challenges in the past and this is no exception. You are naturally creative, resourceful, and whole. Trust that you will uncover the next right step on your path.

Consider this a pitstop in the adventure of your life. Take the time to set intentions for what lies ahead but remain open to the possibilities the universe has in store. Always remember, you got this💪

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Roberta Dombrowski
Learn Mindfully

Researcher helping leaders to build their most sustainable and authentic lives.