Ray Lee | 李宗叡
Learn or Die
Published in
Aug 10, 2024

# Add Generics to Eloquent Builder and Relations

主要在於讓 IDE 可以更好的解析 Eloquent relations,有助於 auto-completion,細節請參考 PR

# Prompt for Creating a View with make:mail

11.15 新增了 artisan make:mail command 的 prompt,簡單的 Demo 可參考 影片

# Make Router Tappable

11.15,Router class 支援 Tappable trait

class RouteRegistrar
public function __invoke(Router $router)
$router->post('redacted', WebhookController::class)

->tap(new Redacted1Webhooks\RouteRegistrar())
->tap(new Redacted2Webhooks\RouteRegistrar())
// ...

// In tests...
protected function defineRoutes($router)
$router->tap(new \RedactedWebhooks\RouteRegistrar());

# Updates to Database Migrations

11.15 針對 SQLite 做了一些優化如下,細節可參考 RP

  • Extend SQLite support to 3.26+
  • Add and Drop Foreign Keys on SQLite
  • Add and Drop the primary key on SQLite
  • Preserve the order of commands
  • Blueprint State for SQLite

# Support for MIME Types in Resend Mail Transport

11.15 針對 Resend mailable class 新增 attachment MIME type 設定,細節參考 PR

public function attachments(): array
return [



Ray Lee | 李宗叡
Learn or Die

It's Ray. I do both backend and frontend, but more focus on backend. I like coding, and would like to see the whole picture of a product.