Ray Lee | 李宗叡
Learn or Die
Published in
4 min readDec 29, 2020


Photo by Dan Lohmar on Unsplash

# 版本

Laravel 8.x

# 前言

我喜歡使用 Laravel 開發的感覺, 除了開發快速, 程式碼簡潔且優雅之外, Laravel 框架本身也是一個很好的學習參照物。 本篇主要將官方文件重點整理成 Q&A 的形式呈現, 原子化的概念, 這方式並不適用於每個人, 但若對你有幫助, 我會很開心。

Input / Output Expectations

以下的 Laravel Console Testing example code 的意思是?

  • Example:
// command
Artisan::command('question', function () {
$name = $this->ask('What is your name?');

$language = $this->choice('Which language do you prefer?', [

$this->line('Your name is '.$name.' and you prefer '.$language.'.');

// testing method
public function testConsoleCommand()
->expectsQuestion('What is your name?', 'Taylor Otwell')
->expectsQuestion('Which language do you prefer?', 'PHP')
->expectsOutput('Your name is Taylor Otwell and you prefer PHP.')
->doesntExpectOutput('Your name is Taylor Otwell and you prefer Ruby.')
  • Answer: artisan: 指定要斷言的 command name expectsQuestion: 定義要斷言的 key (questions), 以及 value (answers) expectsOutput: 斷言會有 line, error, info 等 method 的輸出 doesntExpectOutput: 斷言不可有的 line, error, info 等 method 的輸出 assertExitCode: 斷言 exit code, 即 $$ 為 0

# Confirmation Expectations

以下的 Laravel Console Testing example code 的意思是?

  • Example:
->expectsConfirmation('Do you really wish to run this command?', 'no')
  • Answer: 斷言 command confirmation 以及其輸出

# Table Expectations

以下的 Laravel Console Testing example code 的意思是?

  • Example:
], [
[1, 'taylor@example.com'],
[2, 'abigail@example.com'],
  • Answer: 斷言 command 為 'users:all', arg1 為 table header, arg2 為 table data



Ray Lee | 李宗叡
Learn or Die

It's Ray. I do both backend and frontend, but more focus on backend. I like coding, and would like to see the whole picture of a product.