Learn Tarot

7 Beginner-Friendly Tarot Spreads You Can Try Today

A spread for every major aspect of your life.

Charlotte James
Learn Tarot
Published in
4 min readJan 31, 2024


via Canva Pro

What’s a Spread?

A tarot spread can be thought of as the format of a tarot reading. Using a tarot spread can help you with formatting questions.

Using one is simple. You just pick a spread that fits your situation, shuffle your cards, and pull cards to fill all the spread slots.

Do You Have to Use One?

No. In fact, I usually don’t.

Spreads help dig deep into a specific energy, especially when you don’t know what questions to ask. For beginners, they can help take the pressure off of formatting their readings. When I was first learning, I relied almost exclusively on spreads.

Today, we’ll look at 7 beginner-friendly spreads on a variety of topics.

Some Common Spreads

  1. Celtic Cross Spread
  2. Connect to Your Spirit Team
  3. Moving Forward Spread
  4. Simple Relationship Check-In
  5. The Tower Spread
  6. Career Spread
  7. The Cycle of Karma Spead



Charlotte James
Learn Tarot

I write to heal. I enjoy talking about tarot, spirituality and self-improvement.