12 hours, 5 minutes per day of media usage

Eric Wilson
Learn Test Optimize
3 min readJun 15, 2016

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BuzzFeed Backs Out of Ad Plans With RNC
“The BuzzFeed buy was a tiny portion — just $1.3 million — of the party’s massive digital ad reservation of $150 million, first reported by Ad Age.”

Advertising revenues on US digital platforms set to surpass TV
“An explosion in mobile video will push digital advertising revenues to $75.3bn in 2017, surpassing the $70.4bn going to television broadcasters, said [PwC].”

Clickbait And Traffic Laundering: How Ad Tech Is Destroying The Web
“One of the consequences of growing consumer disgust with ads, is that ad efficiency is declining, as shown by the declining revenue for every dollar spent on advertising by the few companies who disclose it in their SEC filings.”


How a 30K-member Facebook group filled the void left by Uber and Lyft in Austin
“Riders post their requests, which is typically a pickup and drop-off destination as well as desired time (most as ASAP). Then, literally within minutes, potential drivers will respond with an ETA, price, and phone number to call to confirm the pickup. Riders are then instructed to delete the post after confirming a ride, as not to clutter the page.”


The 100-year-old Brookings Institution is working to turn itself into more of a digital publisher
“Brookings publishes up to 20 pieces of content each day — from interactive narrative stories and quick newsy posts to videos and podcasts. It has launched more than 10 different blogs. Its website averages about 1.5 million unique visitors per month.”

>> Reader Submitted
Growth in Time Spent with Media Is Slowing
“While mobile devices enable people to consume media content anywhere at any time, the numbers suggest a saturation point is near — and that increased time spent with one medium will tend to come at the expense of time spent with another…”

>> Reader Submitted
Spain’s Podemos leftist party printed its program as an Ikea catalog so voters will actually read it
“The first contains classic Ikea sections: kitchen, bathroom, living room and so on, and in each, one aspect of the program is presented in bullet points and concise sentences, highlighting the program’s numbers (jobs, investments) the way a furniture catalogue would do with an item’s price. The second half has, instead, a more extensive (and traditional) presentation of the program.”


Who Owns the Email Inbox: Subscribers, Inbox Providers, or Senders?
“Subscribers control permission, which is the foundation of email marketing. And armed by inbox providers with the “report spam” button, subscribers are able to enforce that permission.”

Email Design Trends of 2016 (so far)
“Make sections of your email content shareable.”


>>Reader Submitted
People are now spending more time in Snapchat than Instagram
“In fact, Snapchat sits above three of Facebook’s premiere apps in that category (WhatsApp, Messenger, and Instagram). It now only lags behind Facebook itself, with respect to iPhone users in the US.”

Instagram Tips From Celebrity Chefs To Engage Your Audience

  • Embrace and share great content created by other Instagrammers.
  • Go easy on self-promotional posts.
  • Give back to your community by including them in your communication.


REPORT: 1 in 10 people say they would switch to a mobile carrier that blocks ads
“Overall, 11% of consumers said they would switch to a mobile carrier that blocks ads across its network. That rose to 15% among people who already use some form of desktop ad blocker and to 19% amongst mobile ad blocker users.”



Eric Wilson
Learn Test Optimize

Digital strategist working on campaigns. Alumnus of Marco Rubio, Ed Gillespie, American Action Network, and Engage.