8 Key Insights from Audience Summit 2016

Eric Wilson
Learn Test Optimize
1 min readAug 29, 2016

Last week, Targeted Victory hosted their annual Audience Summit. Here are some key insights the speakers shared that are worth “inwardly digesting.”

Michael Slaby, Timshel

“We’re at the point now where all marketing and communications are community building.”

“Relying on campaigns for infrastructure is a mistake.”

Michael Beach, Targeted Victory

On the evaporated advantage of incumbency:

“Nobody’s afraid anymore.”

Josh Holmes, Cavalry

“Campaigns matter, but so does strategy.”

Ben Jones, Google

“If people aren’t watching your ads, it’s not because they don’t like politics, it’s because your ad is bad relative to the other things they can watch.”

Dave Carney, Norway Hill Associates

On targeted, online advertising:

“You can slice [an opponent’s] throat and they won’t know it until they wake up in the morning.”

“Digital is about getting a message to voters, but you have to have a message first.”

Julie Ruggiero, Facebook

“I would be more afraid of not adapting than failing.”

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Eric Wilson
Learn Test Optimize

Digital strategist working on campaigns. Alumnus of Marco Rubio, Ed Gillespie, American Action Network, and Engage.