85% of Facebook video watched without sound

Eric Wilson
Learn Test Optimize
3 min readMay 25, 2016


Every Friday Learn Test Optimize Links brings you relevant news and content about the intersections of the Internet, technology, marketing, and politics. Got a link you think should be included? Just email me: eric@learntestoptimize.com

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Facebook to Sell Video Ads on Behalf of Other Firms
“For their part, marketers will be able to target video ads across the Audience Network as they do on Facebook itself, using the detailed information Facebook has about its users.”


Lack of Online Privacy Has Chilling Effect, U.S. Department of Commerce Says
“out of 41,000 internet-using households (representing a total of around 19 million), 45 percent claimed they’ve refrained from banking, buying stuff, posting on social media, or talking about controversial topics online over the last year.”

Social Media Growth 101: Home Bases vs. Pollinators
“The best examples of Home Bases are Snapchat, any kind of blog, and a YouTube channel. The best examples of Pollinators are Twitter, Medium, Instagram (in some cases), and Pinterest.”


Watch Facebook’s stunning 360-degree video of Grand Central Terminal
“The short film, called Here and Now, treats Grand Central as a character, home to thousands of discrete human interactions every day that, with the power of 360-degree video, you can experience up close and personal.”

Among the world’s most popular websites, most traffic comes from mobile devices.
“Last month, the audience-tracking firm Nielsen found that smartphones are the most-used medium in the United States — beating out television, radio, and desktops, even though more Americans own TVs and radios than smartphones.”


Email Calls-To-Action: Five Guidelines For Conversions
“What happens when you give people too many choices? Easy. They get overwhelmed with analysis paralysis and end up making no choice at all.”


85 percent of Facebook video is watched without sound
“Most users’ news feeds are now inundated with short videos that feature text or captions narrating what’s being shown on screen.”

Twitter to Stop Counting Photos and Links in 140-Character Limit
“Links currently take up 23 characters, even after Twitter automatically shortens them.”


A first peek behind the scenes of Hillary Clinton’s technology operation
“We have about 50 backend services and 20 frontend applications in production.”

Clinton’s tech team stumbles toward Trump
“Democrats and Republicans say the Clinton tech team shouldn’t underestimate Trump on the data front and it also would be smart not to engage directly with the celebrity-turned-politician on social media.”

Intel chief: Presidential campaigns under cyber attack
“Cyber hackers — possibly working for foreign governments — are trying to infiltrate the Democratic and Republican presidential campaigns, a senior U.S. intelligence official said Wednesday.”

Tools of the Trade

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Eric Wilson
Learn Test Optimize

Digital strategist working on campaigns. Alumnus of Marco Rubio, Ed Gillespie, American Action Network, and Engage.