90% of Trump’s Twitter followers are voters


Eric Wilson
Learn Test Optimize
3 min readJun 22, 2016


Snapchat Launches a Colossal Expansion of Its Advertising, Ushering in a New Era for the App
“The API means that Snapchat ads will, for the first time, be sold by third parties, and will be divided by two kinds of collaborators: Ads Partners and Creative Partners.”

We Tested Over 100 Different Facebook Ads in One Month — Here’s What We Learned
“Out of our 105 ads, nearly 80% failed to attract a high click-through rate and didn’t return low cost-per-click and cost-per-conversion.”


How to Get Your Content Read on Medium
“So, when a story is published on Medium, there are up to three separate audience buckets it can reach.

  1. The author’s audience
  2. The publication’s audience
  3. The tag’s audience (you can use up to five tags on a post, so this bucket is actually five separate audiences)”

An Opposition Researcher for the GOP Reveals His Secrets
“How do you take down a presidential candidate? With compelling content that couples a candidate’s positive vision for the future of the country with a clear case for why your opponent can’t take the country forward. “


New data show the GOP nominee’s followers are exactly what Dems hoped they weren’t — reliable voters.
“The report, produced by San Antonio database marketing agency Stirista, also found that nearly 90 percent of Trump’s followers are reliable turn outs at the ballot box; roughly 11 percent of Trump’s followers should be classified as first-time presidential voters.”

A/B Testing for Low Traffic Websites
“The key is to test things that will have a major impact. Explore before you refine. Try a major difference before an incremental improvement. Choose meaningful goals, and don’t complicate the test.”

What’s the optimum length for my online video?
“research that the Mobile Marketing Association conducted with its partners showed that although duration didn’t have a massive impact on view rate, it did influence the CTR, with longer videos achieving fewer clicks.”

Average CTR for non-skippable ads by duration


23 Hacks To Optimize Your Email Marketing Campaign
12. Have a single CTA — It may be easy to assume that having multiple calls to action increases the chance of someone clicking on one of the buttons. However, this may result in separated actions and distract readers from the main focus of the mail. In the case of Whirlpool, reducing the CTA buttons from 4 to just 1 helped improve the number of clicks by 42%.”

21 Email Marketing and Design Trends You Cannot Miss in 2016
“What works now is sending the right message at the right time, because people are interested in getting messages that are adjusted to their preferences and tastes.”


MTV Uses Twitter to Gauge How Well It’s Doing on Snapchat
“’”What we have found is that content begins on Snapchat but spreads outwards to more open social platforms where consumers have typically larger networks.’”

New: Videos in Comments!
“Videos in Comments are now available worldwide! You can upload them as replies to posts by people and pages, as well as within groups and events. It’s supported on desktop web, iOS, and Android. To try it out, click the camera icon next to the comment field!”


Inside the GOP Convention’s cybersecurity operation
“Hacking attempts by groups like Anonymous are expected, the man at the helm of the GOP Convention’s cyber defenses says.”

Tools of the Trade

“Their donation will appear on their wireless bill, there is no need to fill out long forms or enter credit or debit card information — making the entire process quick and seamless.”

Content Tracker
“A dashboard for tracking content marketing performance.”



Eric Wilson
Learn Test Optimize

Digital strategist working on campaigns. Alumnus of Marco Rubio, Ed Gillespie, American Action Network, and Engage.