Bogus wifi at the Republican National Convention tricked 1,200 people

Eric Wilson
Learn Test Optimize
2 min readJul 26, 2016

Here’s last week’s edition of my newsletter, Learn Test Optimize, sign up here so you never miss an issue, delivered every Friday morning.


Trump team buys trending hashtag on Twitter
“On the last day of the GOP convention, a #GetYourTrumpGear was trending on Twitter. But it didn’t happen naturally — the Trump campaign paid six figures to get it there.”


Want to Optimize Viewership for the Nomination Acceptance Speech? Speak at 9PM, Not 10PM
“That means that 60% of 2016 Swing states are in a single time zone. Translate that to actual Swing voters across those 10 states and over 77% are in the East Coast time zone.”

Why a Visual Really is Worth 1,000 Words
“1. Look for flaws in text-only communication…3. Use visuals to highlight contrast…5. Connect to existing ideas.”


The Ins and Outs of the New Trump-Pence Logo
“The first thing Trump’s logo wins points for is its totality. ‘What I think it does well, and it’s actually fairly clever, is it uses a visual language that we all recognize immediately — the American flag — and puts it to good use,’ Vit says. It also communicates that Trump and Pence are in partnership.”

5 Actual Web Designs Trends for 2016
“1. Full screen & not scrollable…2. Sticky headlines to the side.”

Centered Logos Hurt Website Navigation
“Comparing the failures to navigate in the two conditions, users were 6 times as likely to fail to navigate to the homepage in a single click when the site logo was centered versus left aligned.”


Hillary Clinton invites you to ‘Trump Yourself’
“The Clinton campaign unveils an app that overlays some of Trump’s most memorable insults on your Facebook profile picture.”

Hillary Clinton’s Snapchat Team Is Working Overtime at GOP Convention
“Snapchat users in downtown Cleveland can access geolocated filters paid for by Hillary For America. One uses a quote from Ohio’s Republican Governor and former presidential candidate John Kasich.”


Pokémon Go and the future of political technology
“Here are a few ways augmented reality may be coming to politics in the not-so-distant future”

Google launches voter registration assistance in its search results
“When people search for ‘register to vote’ on Google, the search engine will now display detailed guidelines, voting requirements, as well as information on how to register online, by mail and in person, as applicable.”

How the Republican Convention Fends Off Hackers
“And there’s plenty to triage, like, for instance, one IP address out of China that Crisler says has been ‘slowly probing the network to see if there are any holes.’”

More than 1,200 of RNC attendees unknowingly connect to Avast’s bogus Wi-Fi hotspot outside the Republican National Convention
“68.3% of users‘ identities were exposed when they connected, and 44.5% of Wi-Fi users checked their emails or chatted via messenger apps.”

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Eric Wilson
Learn Test Optimize

Digital strategist working on campaigns. Alumnus of Marco Rubio, Ed Gillespie, American Action Network, and Engage.