Snapchat users now spend 25 to 30 minutes every day on the app

Eric Wilson
Learn Test Optimize
3 min readMay 28, 2016


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Google makes big changes to its ad products
“New expanded text ads in AdWords will also allow for more content to be visible before a user clicks on the link.”DataRepublican Primary Turnout

Analysis: Is Donald Trump Creating New Voters for the General Election?
“We find that 72.1% of the 2016 electorate had not shown up to Republican primary elections before, but had shown up to general elections in the recent past.”

The Media’s Obsession with Trump Isn’t Justified by Data
“on average, an article on Hillary Clinton receives six percent more page views than an article on Trump. Thus, Trump does not appear to be driving revenue.”


Scroll behavior across the web
“Many visitors scroll down the page before it finishes loading, which means that no portion of a typical article is viewed by 100% of viewers and the very top of the top of the page actually has about a 20% lower view rate than slightly farther down.”

Radio Buttons UX Design
“Use radio buttons to change settings, not as action buttons to perform commands.”


Email Testing 101: 9 A/B Tests You Can Start Today To Skyrocket Your Results
“The best place to start testing your emails is to formulate two subject lines: one that’s less than 50 characters and a second that’s 60–70 characters.”


Nearly half of U.S. adults get news on Facebook, Pew says
“Two-thirds of Facebook users access news on the social platform, and with 67 percent of U.S. adults active on Facebook, that translates to 44 percent of the overall U.S. population which accesses news on the social platform, the study said.”

Snapchat users now spend 25–30 minutes every day on the app
“Of those using it every day, 60% are also creating new content, whether it’s a photo or chatting friends, so it’s not just people passively watching, Snapchat is telling advertisers.”

Facebook tests customizable news feed categories
If you don’t swipe through to see the other categories, posts that show up on your news feed appear with tags under the title as well.


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Eric Wilson
Learn Test Optimize

Digital strategist working on campaigns. Alumnus of Marco Rubio, Ed Gillespie, American Action Network, and Engage.