Undecided voters prefer online to TV ads

Eric Wilson
Learn Test Optimize
3 min readAug 9, 2016

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Frank Luntz: The Myth of the Undecided Voter
“Undecided voters reflexively reject TV ads and deeply rehearsed, stale network appearances. Online presents an accessible and appealing platform to show who they are when the cameras are ‘off.’ It also empowers them to compare, contrast and fact-check — with access to a diverse abundance of unbiased information on their terms — when they want it and how they want it.”


The Daily Signal created a custom engagement index to help it prioritize all its platforms
“To create its engagement index, The Daily Signal listed 70 key individual metrics — such as Medium comments, Facebook video views, and email signups — across all the distribution channels it publishes to and owns. “

This Website Is Changing How Politicians Communicate
“The layout of [Medium] makes it easier for politicians to break their own news and control their own message.”


A Quicker Way to Detect Convention Bounces
“Bottom line: Clinton’s bounce was close to three times larger than Trump’s bounce. The Twitter analytics indicated Clinton would benefit more than Trump did from the conventions — and she did.”


Things Are Heating Up: Hillary vs. Trump
“The Trump campaign has a problem with deliverability: almost all emails sent between July 6 and July 31 ended up in the spam folder…None of the Hillary campaign emails have hit the spam folder.”


Facebook Hits Clickbait Again, Punishing Articles With Headlines Using Certain Phrases
“Facebook has built a system to make this determination, based on a set of phrases that are commonly considered to be clickbaitish. The blog post authors likened it to an email spam filter.”

4 Big Social Media Lessons We’ve Already Learned From Election 2016
“1. Knowing your audience is key…2. Showcase your Personality…3. Get People Talking (But Use Caution)…4. Get Your Audience Involved.”


New Hacking Revelations Underscore Danger for Campaigns
“It’s increasingly clear that the threat to campaigns and committees from hackers isn’t abating. While hackers behind the attacks targeting the DNC, DCCC and Clinton campaign appear to have ties to the Russian government, according to some reports, campaigns could also find themselves targeted by their rivals for a Watergate-style computer break-in.”

America’s Electronic Voting Machines Are Scarily Easy Targets
“Most of these machines are running Windows XP, for which Microsoft hasn’t released a security patch since April 2014. Though there’s no evidence of direct voting machine interference to date, researchers have demonstrated that many of them are susceptible to malware or, equally if not more alarming, a well-timed denial of service attack.”

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Eric Wilson
Learn Test Optimize

Digital strategist working on campaigns. Alumnus of Marco Rubio, Ed Gillespie, American Action Network, and Engage.