The Neuroscience of Data Visualization

Sarmad Tanveer
Learn The Part
Published in
6 min readSep 17, 2019

We live in a world full of data, exposing us to a constant influx of new information on a daily basis. In fact, according to researchers at the University of California, we each consume an average of 34 gigabytes of new information every single day. The “Global Datasphere”, a term referring to the realm of all data that has ever been created, captured or replicated, has grown to an incomprehensible size of 33 zettabytes worth of data. You may be asking, what exactly is a zettabyte? There is really no better way to explain than by writing it out.

A zettabyte consists of 10²¹ bytes of data! A truly incomprehensible number, however it is enough to demonstrate just how much data we humans have created. We are currently living in the age of data, and with so much information flowing around, it becomes important to make sure that your data is communicated effectively and efficiently. While data creation is a significant step, effective data communication is a necessity for getting your information across to others.

The Brain is Visual

Photo by Vanessa Bumbeers on Unsplash

So how can you make sure that your data is being conveyed effectively and efficiently? The secret lies in data visualization. While data comes in many forms, about 90% of the data transmitted to the brain is visual. The human brain was simply not built for textual or numerical information. The brain has the capability of processing a visual image in as little as 13 milliseconds, significantly faster than the speed at which our brain processes textual or numerical information. The fact of the matter is that our brains simply evolved in an environment where visual information was essential for survival. We’ve adapted to processing this information quickly and more intuitively and the effects of this are very apparent.

Visual information, being more intuitive for us, has become something that we actually seek out. Articles with images get up to 94% more total views when compared to their textual counterparts! Clearly, visual representations of data are much more compelling for us. Now while all this theory and statistics are insightful, you might be wondering how you can practically apply all of this knowledge? To answer this question, we need to explore the role of data visualization as a business intelligence tool.

Business Intelligence and Data Visualization

Data visualization has huge implications for businesses. The following visual provides a great breakdown of performance indicators for companies at varying levels of data analytic capability. A quick summary of the visual indicates that the “Top Performers” in terms of data analytic and visualization capability were:

  • 2x more likely to be in the top quartile of financial performance within their respective industries
  • 5x more likely to make faster decisions than their competitors
  • 3x more likely to execute the decisions they made
  • 2x more likely to make use of data within their operations
Data Source: Bain Big Data Diagnostic Survey; n = 509

These statistics are astounding! The correlation between data analytic capability and various other performance indicators is so clear. Effective visual representation of data helps companies perform more efficiently, resulting in stronger financial performance. It also helps businesses make quicker, smarter decisions, which can make all the difference in the world of business.

Data can often times be complex and difficult to make sense of. It can be intimidating and overwhelming. However, when visualized and communicated effectively, data can be your greatest asset towards helping you create a successful business.

Visualize Your Future

Most companies have started to realize the importance of data and data visualization in the modern world. The field of data science is growing exponentially, with thousands of new jobs being offered regularly. There is constant demand for high level talent in the field of data science. However, the demand is not being met. In 2018, LinkedIn reported that there was a shortage of 151,716 people with data science skills in the United States alone. If the field of data science interests you, and you want to take control of your future by developing these sought after skills, I highly recommend you begin investing in your future and start learning today to fill this supply shortage.

Data analytic and data visualization skills are some of the most in demand within the realm of data science. Being able to make sense of data, and to then communicate it effectively will make you a valuable asset to any company you decide to join. While data can be visualized in a variety of ways, my personal experience in data visualization has been with the use of Tableau.

Tableau is the fastest growing and most powerful data visualization software out there, and is commonly held as an industry standard among data scientists. Becoming proficient with Tableau is the perfect first step for setting yourself up to become a successful data scientist.

Where Do I Learn?

This might sound great and all, but you might be asking yourself, “where can I begin learning this stuff?”. Good news, my team and I specialize in creating high quality online tutorials in the realm of data science. We recently released what I think is our best course yet on the powerful Tableau software, which you can check out here:

This course will take you from the very beginning of dealing with data, all the way to becoming a professional data analyst by making use of Tableau, a powerful business intelligence tool! Enroll now and start your data science journey today! Here are some examples of the data visualization solutions you will learn to create in this course, among countless others!

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If our online tutorials are of interest to you, then I highly recommend you check out some our other courses in the field of data science, focusing on Deep Learning with Python:



Sarmad Tanveer
Learn The Part

Robotics Engineer, Data Scientist, Instructor to 26000+ Students All Over the World and Constantly in Pursuit of Knowledge 🧠💻