Team Euless Blue Inspires the Next Generation of Figure Skaters

Learn to Skate USA® Blog
Learn To Skate USA
Published in
3 min readMay 10, 2022

When the Dallas StarCenters began building their Skating Academy with Learn to Skate USA’s curriculum, directors and instructors found a gap between their group lessons and private figure skating lessons.

“We started this class where we invited kids who are in the right age group and interested in competing to this team that we do on Wednesdays,” Euless, Texas, rink coach Darlene Cain said. “With that, we named it Aspire Team Blue.”

Team Euless Blue currently has 30 skaters in the Aspire program. Every Wednesday begins with 20 minutes of stroking together before splitting off into levels between Basic 4 and pre-preliminary to work on jumps and spins. The class ends with an off-ice component, where skaters work on off-ice jumping, balance and more.

At the end of every semester, Cain said they do something fun with the group, whether it’s a show or a skating lesson with their parents and siblings.

“For us, it’s just really fun to have all those kids out together and see what we can teach them and help them advance into competing,” Cain said. “It’s exciting to see them progress step by step into figure skating.”

Elizabeth Lee said her daughter, Jada, loves the environment and the team atmosphere.

“It’s a fun class — it inspires teamwork, motivation and the skills a figure skater needs,” Lee said.

Cain emphasized the importance of teamwork for the young skaters, especially with figure skating being a traditionally individual sport. One of her favorite parts, she said, is hearing all the skaters come into the rink together with excitement to be there working on skills together.

“They love skating with all their friends and being out on the ice with everybody,” Cain said. “It’s really the camaraderie and the excitement to be a part of a team.”

Every skater on Team Blue gets a jacket with their name, the Aspire logo and “TEAM EULESS” on the back. The skaters will get to wear them together at their first competition in June.

The Aspire program at the Euless facility started a year ago with 10 students in the program and has been growing ever since. Cain said they hope to grow the program to add another day to welcome more skaters to introductory figure skating classes.

“The program is growing and it’s going to help the rink — it’s going to help figure skating,” Cain said. “It’s good for everybody.”

To help run the program, Cain said they use the resources and manuals available to Aspire programs on U.S. Figure Skating’s Members Only portal. There are six instructors — including Darlene Cain and Peter Cain — out on the ice during classes, which Lee said helps them focus on each child.

“Peter and Darlene truly care about the new generation of figure skaters. They give 100% to each individual,” Lee said. “I speak to parents at the program all the time and they’re all very honored to be under the Cains. I hope other places do the Aspire program and inspire future generations.”



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