3 reasons to attend WEBEXPO 2018 event

Bogomolova Anfisa 🍏
Learn UX/UI
Published in
3 min readSep 7, 2018


Conferences, hackathons and other design events are literally the main reason why I decided to move from Interior design to UX.

Have you ever been to design conference? If not then you’ll fall in love with the energy from the design community.

Personally I’m waiting for the such events like a child waiting for Christmas.

This September I’m partnering up with such a huge event as WebExpo 2018 that happens in Prague, Czech Republic in September 21–23th.

If the reason to meet face to face with me and other great creatives as: UXtips with Eugenia, Simona Cotin from Microsoft, Honest Guide from YouTube is not enough for you, then here are 5 extra reasons to come to Prague:

1️⃣ There will be 63 international experts from companies like Facebook, Twitter, Google or IBM and others.

2️⃣ Discussions on the most innovative approaches in UX and Design Thinking. Not only talks, but also practical exercises and 7 hands-on workshops. Learn more in its program. My favorite is meetings with speakers after each talk.

3️⃣ Speaking of the speaker’s. My main interest lays on:

📍Pamela Pavliscak

Workshop “Emotionally intelligent design”

If your smartphone could recognize when you have a bad day, wouldn’t you use it? Pamela Pavliscak will teach how to prototype emotionally intelligent technology.

📍Diamond Ho from Facebook

If you ever wondered how a designer at Facebook designs for 2 billion people around the world, It’s all about using design thinking methodology and working cross-functionally. In her session, she’ll make a (hypothetical) case study to learn about how they design product experience at Facebook.

📍Val Head from Adobe

2018 is the year of Machine Learning. How does it affect the role of web designer and developer? Val will show to build AI-Driven features.

📍Douglas Powell from IBM

Douglas directing the program to scale design and design thinking across the global tech company. He must present a discussion about how to measure the value of design for an organization.

📍Dan Saffer from Twitter

« How to find the best design opportunities for the future?»

At Twitter, they’ve been using a combination of methods to plot out a set of possible futures for themselves, looking a few years into the future for product opportunities. He will explain their methodology and process so that we can use it in your work.

I also have a bonus for you:

Please, apply a promocode all in lowercases.

📌PS. If you ever thought of coming to Prague, then maybe that’s the sign you’ve been waiting for?

😉 Hope to see you here



Bogomolova Anfisa 🍏
Learn UX/UI

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