CSS — Div Tag

Div tag
Div tag

We have learned to apply styling to class and id. Now we will apply styling to group elements by dividing them into divisions. We use <div> tag (short for division) to divide elements in different groups. We have seen a div tag in the example.com

Div doesn’t do anything. It doesn’t give any styling to the content. You can give div tag a class or an id according to your need.

You should never use space in your class or id names because the space will separate them. Instead, you can use a hyphen “-”.

<div class=”first-div”>
<h1>This is some text.</h1>
<p>This is some text.</p>

Now let’s get the class of this div and style it.

.first-div {
Use of “Div” tag
Use of “Div” tag
Output of styling “Div”
The output of styling “Div”

With the div having a background color you can see the area covered by this div in the webpage. You can also define div width by using % or even the pixel (in this case).

Instructor TARUN KUMAR


