How much is enough?

Nothing is enough, but it’s a good start :)

Madhav Bahl
The Lean Blogs
4 min readAug 29, 2019


How much is “enough”

I have been receiving this one question from many people, and this question became so frequently asked that I had to write a blog on it.

Most of us (including me when I was a beginner) learn something with the mindset of getting something in return (maybe a job, or an internship, or money, or something else), and when we learn something with the greed of end results in mind, we start looking for shortcuts.

In such cases, we wish to learn only the bare minimum skills required for the thing that we are aiming, and that too in the shortest possible amount of time.

Ever since I have started blogging and sharing my experiences, there is this one question that a lot of people have asked me, and unfortunately, this is the question which I dislike the most!

Hey Madhav, I want to become a ________. Is learning ____, ____, and ____ enough for that?

Hey Madhav, I want to become a web developer. Would HTML, CSS, and JS suffice?
Hey Madhav, I want to become a blockchain dev, would learning how to make smart contracts on solidity be enough?
Hey Madhav, I want to be a pro in Machine Learning, would Andrew NG’s course be enough??

Well, here’s my answer,

Nothing is enough! but it is a good start :)

Technology is evolving at a really fast pace and we, as developers, have so much to learn. Of course, we can not learn everything, but we must strive for learning more and more because it’s fun to learn new things.

Again, I am not saying to learn everything. The tech world is so vast that even if you dedicate all your lifetime, you won’t be able to learn each and everything, each and every library, each and every framework, each and every language, and so on…

but the beauty is, you don’t actually need to learn everything.

Ok Madhav, this is confusing, first you said nothing is enough, now you are saying you don’t need to learn everything. What do you mean?

Haha, good question!

Yes, you don’t need to learn everything, all you need to do is explore more and more, and find your domain of interest and then go deep into it.

I hope this solves the confusion. When you explore different technologies, you come to know that nothing is enough, and the tech world is huge, and at that point of time, you discover that even if we can’t learn everything, it’s still fun to learn at least what we can learn.

When that happens, you stop learning things for the greed of the end result and you start learning things because it is fun to learn new things.

And once you realize your domain of interest, you tend to go deep into it, and then you realize how foolish the question “Is ____, ____, and ____ enough?” is.

So my answer is,

No, if you want to become a _______, learning ____, ____, and ____ are not enough, but yeah, certainly it is a good start.

No, if you want to become a web developer, learning HTML, CSS and JS only is not enough, but it is a good start,

No, if you want to become a blockchain developer, learning how to make smart contracts on solidity only is not enough, but it is a good start,

No, if you want to become a pro at Machine Learning, just doing Andrew NG’s course is not enough, but yes, it is a good start,

and once you start it, there is no going back, once you find your domain of interest, you will keep on exploring more and more, and that’s how we grow!

“Always aim for the moon. If you miss you’ll land among the stars.”

That’s it, hope you liked this short blog and it gave you a good idea of “How much is enough”

Feel free to reach out to me anytime if you want to discuss something :D

I would be more than happy if you send your feedback, suggestions or ask queries. Moreover, I love to make new friends and we can be friends, just drop me a mail.

Thanks a lot for reading till end. You can contact me in case if you need any assistance:



Madhav Bahl
The Lean Blogs

I help 90,000 students and software professionals enhance their lifestyle, stay fit and grow in career 🚀