Is it worth pursuing a Marketing Analytics Course in 2023?

Trisha Manna
Learnbay_data-science and full-stack
5 min readApr 20, 2023
A banner image titled, ‘Is a Career with Marketing Analytics Course Proves to be a Good Option?’ shows a marketing professional looking at the fulfilled targets after his successful completion of Marketing analytics course. This shows ‘checklists’ and a ‘target board with three arrows’.

Marketing Analytics Course: A Key to Career Transition From Executive to a Skilled Analyst!

Dynamic shifts in employment conditions have affected most of the service sectors. Eventually, the demand for career-transformation courses and certifications has changed the results. Marketing analytics course is one among them that has massively changed the outlook of marketing professionals.

Marketing is the lifeline of any business. Although you have a good product/service to offer, a competitive USP, and attractive features, your product sells through marketing. Your target audience looks for solutions to their problems.

Several transformations have taken place in the marketing industry. But people at executive levels can only think about marketing metrics or data collection approaches. Having realistic execution is quite impossible.

Here, marketing analytics bring transformation. With marketing analytics skills, marketing professionals can turn their datasets into valuable insights. Isn’t it more competitive?

Continue reading to understand marketing analytics.

What is marketing analytics?

Marketing analytics means a combination of data, math, predictive modeling, machine learning, etc. that helps the professional gain valuable information. Marketers need to know the continuous performance of their product or service in the target market.

If you understand the consumer’s mindset and have raw datasets, you know how to crack the deal. That’s how marketing analytics work.

But not every marketing professional can have such benefits. An effective way to mark success in your marketing career is a marketing analytics course.

You know, the marketing analytics market expects a rise of 14.8% by 2028.

An image shows two marketing professionals seated at a table. One professional is discussing marketing analytics with a laptop and the other one listening to him. The background of the image shows different charts like, ‘donut chart’, ‘bar graphs with an upward trend’, and ‘stacked area chart’.

Are you aware of what major mistakes most marketers make in their profession?

They fail to understand the actual needs of the customers. This is why they fail to have an emotional connection with the customers. Other times, marketers lack storytelling skills that deviate the customers from the product.

If you understand their pain points, then you can market it across the segments and generate more leads.

For instance, My senior was working as a marketing executive in the e-commerce industry. He was responsible for generating new marketing strategies. But there are certain factors that limited his professional growth.

So what were his major mistakes as a marketing executive??

● Wrong target audience

● Inaccurate development and monitoring of product data

● Lack of knowledge in web analytics and Excel

But why this happened?

This was simply because of a lack of proper market, better to say live, and historical data analysis.

Eventually, he failed every time. One day he decided to upgrade his skills, and for the time being, he left the job. Afterward, he shifted to the sales domain.

However, switching the domain was not the right move. There he again started as a fresher with a compromised position and package.

At such a stage, marketing pros should opt for career transformation toward a marketing analytics role.

A short-term, industry-accredited marketing analytics certification can do the job. In fact, you can get even a 200% salary hike without leaving the marketing industry.

You must know the global marketing analytics software market expects growth of 13.9% by 2031.

One hurdle was still there. Without experience, there is no chance of getting into a marketing analyst position. Now the marketing analytics course was the only way to crack it.

Why Marketing Analytics Course?

This course is the gateway to an impressively paid marketing analyst job profile. Compared to general marketing professionals, marketing analyst comes to the bigger picture.

They turn the raw data into informative graphs and visuals to understand market dynamics. Well, I can relate here to the “Rule of 7” theory penned by Dr. Jeffrey Lant.

He stated one customer’s subconscious mind sees a product or service a minimum of seven times within an 18-month duration. This psychological analysis helps the customer match his pain points with the actual solution it provides.

● A marketing analyst can understand the necessity of the customers and take immediate action. The marketing strategies are studied well to match the psychological patterns of the customers.

● Most companies spend a hefty amount on marketing and campaign activities. Still, they fail to target their customers. Having a marketing analyst on board will keep control over your bucks.

● Earlier marketing professionals applied guesswork to understand the customers’ engagement patterns and expectations.

● But you cannot predict the customers all the time. Their interest patterns keep changing. To know them well, a strong understanding of analytics is essential.

● A marketing analyst who understands the customers can implement a data-driven approach. As a result, sales margins increase.

An image shows a learner taking a marketing analytics course and studying the data for better insights. The learner is studying extracted data on a paper and marking the facts with a pen. In the background charts like, ‘bar charts, ‘stacked chart’, ‘line graph’ and ‘column chart’.

Advantages of marketing analytics course

● If you are enrolling in a marketing analytics course, the chances of getting selected for an analytical marketing position increase.

● Marketing needs creativity. Marketing analysts get into the actual markets and design promotional strategies accordingly.

● Course modules cover essential data analytics tools to business intelligence concepts that leverage your career. ROI analysis and A/B testing help you as a marketing analyst to control marketing spending.

● Adding more to this, if the course comes with live capstone projects with industry experts, then it will help you learn more about real-world applications. This makes you efficient enough in using marketing analytics tools.

The marketing analyst salary in India range comes in the lucrative package with an average salary package of ₹830,652 in India.

You deserve better

Several marketing analytics programs shape a basic marketing career to an expert level. Every course does not provide the opportunity to work on live projects. But you should go for the one that provides exposure to real-world business.

Learnbay offers such a Marketing Analytics Program that comes with dual certification (IBM and Microsoft). It offers 12+ core marketing analytics projects with real-time data. Apart from that, it comes with dedicated job assistance.

So what are you waiting for now??

Register for counseling to start your journey of success.



Trisha Manna
Learnbay_data-science and full-stack

Trisha is a Data Science and AI enthusiastic. She loves exploring the magic of technologies and is a passionate blogger.