Kotlin — Function as a parameter

Md. Hasnain
Published in
4 min readFeb 18, 2020

It’s fun when you can pass the fun into another fun as a parameter. Ow, fun means function :p . Every function in kotlin is a fun. And it’s really fun!

Kotlin — a great language to learn and use!

Do you know what’s happing in this following code?

fun add(a: Int, b: Int): Int = a + b
fun increment(a: Int): Int = a + 1
fun calc(a: Int, b: Int, perform: (a: Int, b: Int) -> Int) = perform(a, b)
fun calc(a: Int, perform: (a: Int) -> Int) = perform(a)
fun useFunctionAsParameter() {
val result = calc(1, 2, ::add)
val result2 = calc(result, ::increment)
Log.e(TAG, "1 + 2 = $result")
Log.e(TAG, "$result + 1 = $result2")

If you know then great! If not and you are interested about whats going on here then let’s explore more!

Recently I had do some works with a large codebase. For simplicity we were dividing the functions into smaller functions. Then somehow I faced the situation of calling different functions is going to need a bit more repeating code. Like, calling different functions in different confirmation dialog. Although the dialog is almost same but the functions I was calling after confirmation is a bit different. I came up with the idea of using a common interface with a common dialog for all. But, still it is a bit of code too and same code for every call. Then I went to the 2nd idea of passing the functions also. It was great and less of code. I did some searching and study also. Let’s share:

The simplest example:

This is the function we are going to pass as a parameter. The simplest one:

fun passMeAsParameter() {
Log.d(TAG, "I am the parameter function bro.")

This is the function where we will pass our function:

fun passAFunctionToMe(parameterFunction: () -> Unit) {

And finally this is how we use it:

fun useFunctionAsParameter() {

Not that hard huh! In the last function we passed the passMeAsParameter() function as a function parameter. See the second braces. They are necessary. But looks like a bit..um..not so hot. Here lambda comes in handy.

fun useFunctionAsParameter() {
passAFunctionToMe {passMeAsParameter()}

There is another cooler way to do this:

fun useFunctionAsParameter() {

Yap. Just two colons(::) makes it more fun!

Okay let’s make it a bit harder. This time we will write a whole function as a parameter.

fun useFunctionAsParameter() {
{Log.d(TAG, "I am the parameter function bro.")}


Simple, isn’t it! Now, how about passing a parameter in the parameter function!

//function to pass
fun passMeAsParameter(log: String) {
Log.d(TAG, log)
//function with a function as a parameter
fun passAFunctionToMe(parameterFunction: () -> Unit) {
//now use the parameter function
fun useFunctionAsParameter() {
val log = "I am the parameter function bro.""


With lambda:

passAFunctionToMe {passMeAsParameter(log)}

A bit more complex version with more fun:

//function to pass
fun passMeAsParameter(log: String) {
Log.d(TAG, "This is a $log")
//function with a String and a function as parameter
fun passAFunctionToMe(log: String, parameterFunction: (log: String) -> Unit) {
//now use the parameter function
fun useFunctionAsParameter() {
val log = "nice log""

log, {parameterFunction(log)}


We don’t want to write same parameter twice. Let’s do this:

log, {parameterFunction(it)}

Yes, you are right. “it” means that “log” will go there. With lambda it will be more beautiful:

passAFunctionToMe (log) {passMeAsParameter(it)}

But we don’t want to write “it” too.

passAFunctionToMe (log, ::passMeAsParameter)

Again just two colons(::) makes it more fun!

Now let’s say, the function which we want to pass as parameter is in another class. No problem at all:

//another class
class AnotherClass {

//function to pass
fun passMeAsParameter() {
Log.d(TAG, "I am the parameter function bro.")
class MainClass {
//function with a function as a parameter
fun passAFunctionToMe(parameterFunction: () -> Unit) {
//now use the parameter function
fun useFunctionAsParameter() {
val anotherClass = AnotherClass()

Want to pass more than one function? Okay

//function with unlimited functions as parameter(Using vararg)
fun passManyFunctionsToMe(vararg functions: () -> Unit) {
functions.forEach { function -> function() }
//now use the parameter function
fun useFunctionAsParameter() {
passManyFunctionsToMe(::function1, ::function2, ::function3, ...)

Here I used vararg. You can use arrays, list or anything you want.

Your function has a return type? No problem:

fun add(a: Int, b: Int): Int {
return a + b
fun calc(a: Int, b: Int, perform: (a: Int, b: Int) -> Int): Int {
return perform(a, b)

fun useFunctionAsParameter() {
val result = calc (1, 2, { x: Int, y: Int -> add(x, y)})
Log.e(TAG, "1 + 2 = $result")

A more simpler (and b-e-a-uuuu-tiful) version of this code is:

fun add(a: Int, b: Int): Int = a + b

fun calc(a: Int, b: Int, perform: (a: Int, b: Int) -> Int) = perform(a, b)

fun useFunctionAsParameter() {
val result = calc(1, 2, ::add)
Log.e(TAG, "1 + 2 = $result")

That’s it! Now you know how to use function as a parameter. You will now also understand the code snipped we we were looking at the beginning of the tutorial. Kotlin is a very powerful language with many many awesome features. There are Coroutines, Android Extensions and many more! For now have fun with fun!



Md. Hasnain

Programming is my hobby and Android is my passion :) . I am a professional Mobile Application Developer(Native and cross platform).