Daily use English Sentences with Hindi Meaning

Hindi Me Sab
Learn English Online
2 min readFeb 4, 2022

Friends, here in this post we’re going to share some of the best and chosen daily use English sentences with Hindi meaning. These English sentences are really going to help you a lot in improving your English.

daily use English sentences with Hindi meaning
Daily use English Sentences with Hindi Meaning

We all know how important it is to learn English language, even if you are seeking a Job, Career, Social Status or anything, English language, English speaking is necessary.

So, here are some daily use English sentences with Hindi meaning so that you understand every sentence in Hindi before using and speaking with others.

Daily use English Sentences with Hindi Meaning

English Sentences with Hindi Meaning for Daily Use

  • बैठो, मुझे आपके लिए कुछ खाने का लाने दो।
    Have a seat, let me get something for you to eat.
  • खाना तो मैं खाऊँगी ही।
    I will certainly eat food.
  • मैंने नाश्ते के बाद से कुछ नहीं खाया है।
    I have not eaten anything since breakfast.
  • मैंने सुबह जल्दी जल्दी नाश्ता किया और फिर घर से निकल गई ऑफिस के लिए।
    I had a hasty breakfast in the morning and then left home for office.
  • ये लो तुम्हारा खाना।
    Here is your food.
  • गरम गरम खा लो बाद में अच्छा नहीं लगेगा।
    Eat it while it’s hot, it won’t taste good later.
  • दो रोटी से मेरी भूख नहीं मिटती है।
    Two chapatis are not enough for me.
  • मैंने तुम्हारे लिए मक्की की रोटी और सरसों का साग बनाया है।
    I have cooked pone and mustard green for you.
  • मक्की की रोटी
  • सरसों का साग
    Mustard Green

If you are really keen and interested in learning English then you must use these daily use English sentences with Hindi meaning with your friends and family. The more you use these daily use English sentences, the more fluent English speaker you’ll become.

Daily Use English Sentences with Hindi Meaning — YouTube



Hindi Me Sab
Learn English Online

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