03.27.2018 | Post-Class Reflection

conducting a gap analysis

As we start to further narrow down our potential solutions, we conducted an opportunity analysis were we looked at the current state of the post camp experience and the desired post camp learning experience that we would like our learners to have.

Through this discussion we uncovered an important shift in our thinking from changing our learners behaviors to changing their mindsets. We realized that in order to first change behavior, our campers need to experience metacognition where they realize how their understanding of what they learned in camp can affect other areas of their lives. This is something that we will continue to explore in the coming weeks. We will be also explore theories from transition design to inform our design interventions.

Next steps for our team include:

  • Determine which solution we would like to further prototype and explore
  • Align on the learning theories that we think our proposed solution will be grounded on
  • Develop a storyboard that illustrates our proposed solution in preparation for our meeting with CMNH

