04.10.2018 | Post-Class Reflection

Today we conducted another working session with our group and discussed two topics:

  1. examples of compelling stories for our puzzle box
  2. outcomes of our research on puzzles that tweens play

Our group feels that it’s important to have an interesting story that will motivate the campers to play our game post their camp experience. We discussed a story about the impact of climate change on bird migration and a story about how the Peregrine Falcons have been introduced back into cities. We are planning to contact the powdermill nature reserve and talk to one of their experts to understand what stories could not only be compelling for campers but would also enable them to use the skills that they learned during camp.

This week, we will be also working on creating a framework that help us understand the different stages that our puzzle experience and how they leverage the different theories that we have learned to date (e.g., how we can tap into intrinsic motivation).

