The Learners’ Side of Learning: Ways Lifelong Learners Can Get the Learning They Desire

Learnerus Lifelong
Published in
5 min readApr 18, 2020
An online, lifelong learner

You may have realized lately that you would like to better yourself through learning new skills for a variety of reasons. Perhaps you are a lifelong learner that is constantly interested in acquiring more knowledge and accomplishments through education. There are those people that like to stockpile degrees and certifications without having any desire to actually put them to use career-wise.

Or maybe you are looking to increase your knowledge on various topics and broaden your abilities in an effort to further your career. This is a more common reason for those wanting to extend their education. Just knowing that your paycheck is going to increase every month is a great feeling to have. Whatever the case may be, you have several options to go about doing this. However, it is important that you begin by taking it step by step.

Set Your Goal

Before you make the commitment to taking courses, you need to set the goal of why you are undertaking furthering your education. While some may approach lifelong learning as a hobby, there are those of us that have the endgame of wanting to earn more money. Once you write down this goal on a piece of paper and place it in a location where you will see it often, it will help you stay on task and set about achieving it. There is something almost magical that happens when you write your dreams and goals down on a piece of paper,

Things to Take into Consideration

Before jumping full speed into signing up for courses and workshops, you probably are limited in your choices because of a couple of reasons. First, the price is always an issue. If money was no object, you could be taking courses from the best and the brightest across the globe without worrying a bit about money. But finances always have to be taken into consideration.

Second, time is our most precious commodity for the majority of us. We are in a constant cycle of work and family with not a lot of extra time on our hands. Do you have enough time in the day to go commute to a college so you can get one course under your belt? Doing the coursework is going to occupy your free time. You may not have the additional time for traveling back and forth.

Still, there are lifelong learning options for all of us to consider regardless of our budget and lack of free time.

Local Junior College

Your nearest junior college may have the courses and workshops you desire. Plus, they should be relatively close to where you live and the expense of it is usually not that great. Yet, it will take a time commitment traveling to the junior college, sitting through class, driving home, and then squeezing in your homework when you can.

While they do have a variety of courses and workshops to choose from, and you are bound to find a couple that interests you, it could be difficult to find enough of them. Junior colleges aren’t well known for offering advanced classes. Usually, the courses are mostly introductory. Plus, they are not flexible on their schedule at all. You either commit to the rigid schedule that is not personalizable or you are out of luck. It is, more or less, a one-size-fits-all attempt at education.

Perks with Learning Completely Online

There are numerous online learning platforms out there that are perfect for the person with a busy lifestyle. Most of these online courses can fit around any schedule. In addition, all of that time spent on commuting back and forth to ordinary classroom courses can now be better used for studying purposes. Plus, you aren’t relegated to just the region around you. Now you can enroll in courses taught by educators that specialize in the field no matter if they live across the globe from you!

The question is though, whether the online course can be as personalizable as a human educator if you lose your track. Fortunately for online learners, the technology evolves in the direction which allows personalization and adaptability better and better.

Many online platforms offer either semantic search supporting a path-seeking learner, or even Artificial Intelligence (AI) assistance. These courses could come with an AI teaching assistant, an AI tutor, and an AI course advisor.


How LearnerOn.Net does fit to the landscape? LearnerOn’s mission is to be able to provide a “Learning path for any goal, any starting level, and any budget. Our highest hopes are as follows: we want to help set grown people onto a learning path of their choice. All of us. All mankind.”

We pursue our mission by providing access and navigation to courses that can fit in anyone’s budget, and they are all available entirely online. It allows the person to maximize their time as they don’t have to commute or sit in a classroom. You basically can move at your own speed and get your coursework completed in your spare time as it is a personalizable learning path that can be shaped for individual needs.

In addition, there is a bounty of choice: there are thousands of courses to choose from and more than a million educational books as well. If your employer is looking for someone that has skills in data science, engineering, technology, and has strong communication skills, LearnerOn.Net can help you find the courses that you will need to prove to your boss that you are ready to climb to the next level.

And what about the personalization and adaptability of a learning experience? We offer a helpful, semantic search on LearnerOn.Net with Data Science and AI soon to provide you assistance as well.

More and more people are loving to learn online and from the comfort of their own home. LearnerOn.Net will set you on a learning path with a group of ideal courses to take for the subjects you are interested in learning more about. Whether you need to take a couple of advanced courses or need to start from scratch and take numerous courses, LearnerOn.Net has you covered.

Through Company Certification Programs

The learning gap is real and businesses are quickly understanding that they are facing a difficult time finding the right employees that already possess the needed skills they are searching for. Rather than trying to hire outside the company, many are presenting their own certification programs to hand-picked employees.

Let your employer know that you are interested in advancing your career. If they don’t offer their own certification programs, introduce them to LearnerOn.Net and ask them which courses will move you up the food chain and make you more desirable to the company. They will appreciate the initiative and could provide you some valuable feedback and guidance.

See you learning online! Yours,


