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Where do these careers stem from?

Eugenia Perez
Learner’s Commune 2039


Taking aspects of transition design into account, people are able to move freely around the globe but with the understanding that solutions are longitudinal and that future generations need to be considered.The professional, learning and teaching endeavors that Learner’s Commune creates and propagates are founded upon the principles of Transitional Design with wicked, systems-level problems in mind.

The notion of work today has continued the trend of digital nomads. Fewer people are constrained to offices and cubicles. In fact, working from the place of your choosing reduces overhead costs for companies and employees get to spend more time with their families therefore allowing education to be open source and accessible to all.

Job satisfaction is highest as a member of Learner’s Commune because we promote the nurturing of people’s hobbies, family and overall life satisfaction that permeates in the learning culture of the commune.

Through the principles of paying it forward, adaptability, introspection and foresight new professions and disciplines have emerged as responses to past, present and future generation challenges.

Paying it Forward

Paying it forward means that as a member of Learner’s Commune 2039 what you get out of it you must bring it back to the organization to close the loop. What you give you will receive in return. As people graduate and obtain new knowledge it is recommended they contribute to maintain the life of the commune. Through these principles of giving back and gratitude the Sustainable Actions Designer creates systems that are self-initiated and reliant on the contributions of members.


Through the principles of adaptive leadership and collaboration the term leadership is one of action and works on the root problems of crisis. In order to lead interventions for wicked problems all stakeholders living and non-living must be considered. Loyalties are reconsidered in order to adapt, mindsets are challenged and conflicts are addressed. A Shared Decisions Facilitator intervenes and mediates conversations where all stakeholders are heard and valued.


Change starts with the self and true introspection must take place in order to assess what challenges align with our core values. It is also important to see when our core values are in conflict with a purpose of a project and take a step back when necessary. This introspection allows Satisfiers and Needs Engineers to help designers, project managers, anyone that is a stakeholder in a wicked problem to assess what is important according to Manfred Max Neef’s Development and Human Needs.


As previously mentioned past, present and future generations must be taken into consideration when ideating future scenarios and journeys. What are the possible, preferable and plausible futures that will create a complete paradigm shift or extrapolate current events? Empathy and Sense-Making Coaches are able to address people’s interactions, being-in-world, doings and having. In turn by understanding root behaviors a better sense of what is to come or how to alter people’s behaviors can be addressed.



Eugenia Perez
Learner’s Commune 2039

PhD Teaching Fellow at Carnegie Mellon University. Interested in design of empathic experiences in areas of mental health, care and immigration.