LearnFactory Internship: Day 77 (August 16, 2018)

LearnFactory Nigeria
2 min readAug 25, 2018

“For the things we have to learn before we can do them, we learn by doing them.”
― Aristotle, The Nicomachean Ethics

The days are getting interesting, eventful and challenging. We leave the office everyday looking out for tomorrow. Today began in an encouraging way, with the interns coming in all looking ready and determined to conquer the day. We all have been given a challenge, to build a web and mobile app that will be able to handle the basic CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations all geared towards using React and React native. Daunting right?

But we have learnt, read and mastered a lot over the past two months working with React native and React; it’s time now to test our mettle to know how much we have been able to gather, to see also if we have the heart to follow through when been put under immense pressure to deliver a Nice looking UI (User Interface) that Will be able to interact with each other!

The interns have been able to come up with beautiful and mind-blowing UI’s which is very satisfying and encouraging to know that the labor of the company has not been in vain. It seems as our pace gets faster each day. It seems that our pace gets faster, the stresses pile on, and the work never ends. Deadlines loom. We want to hit our goals.

We all spent the day working on the finishing touches, it has been an interesting week We reconvene again tomorrow……

Yes and yes. Induction into the hall of fame.


Chief CodeSmith

