Meet Olajuwon

Favour George
LearnFactory Nigeria
3 min readOct 10, 2019
Olajuwon Owoseni

I am Olajuwon Owoseni, a Nigerian from the western part of Nigeria, a native of Ekiti state precisely. I was brought up in Akure, Ondo State, where I spent most of my younger days.

I’ve had many ups and downs in my journey into tech. As a young kid, I earned myself the title ‘Engineer’, a name that kind of stuck with me somehow. It pushed me forward until I got my admission and followed the path of becoming an engineer.

I got admission to study petroleum/chemical engineering at Niger Delta University in 2013, which I gladly accepted, as part of the dream of being an engineer. I later had to choose chemical over petroleum Engineering.

My first encounter with programming came in my second year in school, Engineering students are required to take an introduction to computer programming with the C++ programming language, a course which I enjoyed and looked forward to more programming.

I did not get to do much in tech afterwards until my first boot-camp experience in my fourth year at school. During my internship year, I had an opportunity of being part of a one-week Data Science and AI boot-camp in which I learnt how to use python for data manipulation, wrangling and building AI models.

The Journey To LearnFactory; Accepting the call to be a part of something Greater

Prior to my final semester in school, I was on the lookout for any opportunity in tech as I was sure this was what I wanted to do after school.

I saw the application to LearnFactory on a tech WhatsApp group to which I belong. I decided to apply for it.

The last few weeks of my final semester were marked with pressure and stress. As I prepared for the end of the semester by writing my final papers and defending my final year project, I got a call from LearnFactory informing me that I have been selected as part of the new cohort of interns.

I had to hand over some leftover things to do in school to a brother of mine back in school, this enabled me to accept this call, the call to greatness.

LearnFactory; The Experience.

In a few words, it has been awesome and quite overwhelming from the vast amount of knowledge and materials that we get to consume.

I got to LearnFactory Nigeria a bit later than other interns without a laptop with me. I was really behind, but thanks to our tutors I was able to catch up. After a few months into the program, I have learned how to build a few apps (including a TODO app with the use Of React), collaborate in a group to build a chat application, and ultimately improve my collaboration skills.

The journey continues as we still have a whole lot to learn. I am currently learning a JavaScript library, ReactJs. Afterwards, It will be React Native, GraphQL, MongoDB, and some other interesting packages. I can’t wait to build useful applications with these amazing technologies.

Going forward, in the light of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, which exponential technologies like Artificial Intelligence, Virtual Reality, and Augmented Reality has been a major, I am looking forward to developing myself in the field of artificial intelligence as I believe this is one of the biggest exponential technology and it will change a lot in our society.

“It’s been said that some people make things happen. Some people watch things happen. And then there are those who wonder, What the hell just happened?”.

I choose to make things happen, I choose to build amazing solutions and what better platform to do this than in the tech industry.

You cannot be mistaken to do the right things, you only have to believe in a course and find the courage to go at it with every waking strength. Olajuwon is one bright chap here at LearnFactory Nigeria, we are confident he will make greater strides than we expect of him.

