LearnFactory Nigeria
10 min readJun 2, 2023

I would like to express my gratitude to the entire management of Learn-Factory for providing me with a beautiful and conducive environment during my first nineteen days. This experience has been truly unforgettable, and I pray that God Almighty blesses every family at Learn-Factory.

I reside in Obohia, near Degema Street, and due to the high transportation costs, I decided to commute by bicycle. Although this made me sweat and feel tired, I have become accustomed to it.

Now, let me share my experiences and the lessons I learned from day one to seventeen:

Day One: 02/05/2023

We gathered in a spacious hall and introduced ourselves. Mr. Chibueze briefed us about the program and encouraged us to ask questions. At the end of the day, we were given bread and malt from Mr. Chibueze’s company.

Day Two: 03/05/2023

Every morning, we started with prayers, followed by motivational videos. Mr. Chibueze would summarize the videos and answer our questions. I made sure to jot down keywords from the videos:

vision defines what to do in life, vision states your goals and your goals
dictates your character. the more transparent your visions, the easier it
becomes. When you have a clear idea of the kind of person you want to marry, you know you don't accept any kind of person you see. Vision will give you a course of discipline and gives you focus. If you want to be successful, do not seek success, seek to be a person of value. vision is your deepest desire that keeps coming back. If you must achieve what God wants you to do, you must have a vision. you are not going to achieve anything in life without struggle. When people laugh at your vision, it's only because they have no vision for themselves, they will go the extra mile to kill your own vision. They will try to laugh you out of it. Dream and dream big. Your family, friends, girl, or boyfriend will be the first people to talk you out of your vision, probably because they don't have a big vision like you. Only those that can see what is invisible can do things that are impossible. Vision narrows down your choices

On this day, we learned about the importance of having a vision and basic HTML tags and their functions.

Day Three: 04/05/2023

After our morning prayers and motivational video, I learned about the significance of putting in effort and the impact of information:

when it seems like you are tired and feel like giving up, that is when you
are getting started. Effort and information matter a lot because if you know without putting in the effort, then what you know will be worthless. It is not what you have that limits you, rather it is what you don't have

We then delved into creating tables and lists in HTML, we also cloned Youtube.

Youtube clone

Day Four: 05/05/2023

The morning routine continued with prayers and a motivational video. We focused on building a strong foundation and understanding the role of mindset in achieving success:

I don't care what your foundation is, it must be extremely strong, don't give
excuses anymore. If you want to change everything, change your mindset.
success has nothing to do with your race, your age, or your gender. It's all
about the mindset. Make up your mind that you want to be number one, and set it as a goal that you are going to achieve in a space of time(Years, months, days, hours, etc.). You also need to know that which you want to be number one at. On the great days, be great, and on the greater days, be greater.

We also explored file paths in HTML.

Day Five: 08/05/2023

Prayers and the motivational video preceded a discussion about purpose:

Whatever you are going through right now only shapes you for your purpose in life. If you are ready to follow the hard way, the more complicated way, then you are ready because failure is inevitable on the path to success. Press on with pride and purpose. Sometimes you need to be knocked down in order to know what you are fighting for. Purpose disciplines you. Purpose makes you know that you don't live just to make money but for the problems you can solve for humanity. Enjoy every moment of victory.

We learned that our current experiences shape us for our purpose in life. Additionally, we studied selectors and the different ways to insert CSS into HTML.

Day Six: 09/05/2023

Following prayers and the motivational video, I realized the importance of recognizing my worth:

You Matter.
You matter a lot. Nobody can be exactly the way you are. The day you start
holding yourself accountable for your failure, that day you will press hard not to fail again. Don't do stuff because people do, Do what you want and make sure that what you're doing is right. The time you waste to impress people is considered a waste of time because you will end up not impressing yourself.

We then learned how to create a landing page using HTML elements (Udemy clone). Many assignments were given to practice our skills.

Udemy Clone

Day Seven: 10/05/2023

Prayers, the motivational video, and a discussion about failure marked this day. We understood that failure is a crucial part of the path to success:

Sometimes losing is important because it teaches us that there are a lot of
ways we should have possibly done that we failed at. If you want to be good at something so badly, give it hours of practice every single day. Whenever
you make a mistake, you have to study it a lot to know what happened and
prevent it from reoccurring. We need to make our story a motivation to
others. You need to focus on why you are on earth, because being wealthy
is good, and everybody can do that as well, but knowing why you are on earth at the moment in time is far more important. Fear is not real, it's something you create in your mind.

Later, we explored Flexbox as a layout model.

Day Eight: 11/05/2023

Prayers and motivational videos were followed by insights into the power of the brain. We learned about the impact of belief and hard work on achieving goals:

The brain
When you desire something, Store it in your brain, then work on it over and over again, then nothing is impossible. If you do something with the impression of losing, then you have already lost, but if you believe that you are going to win no matter what, then winning is inevitable. When you work hard day by day, the gap between you and your competitors grows larger. If you don't make it into the league, that is not because the league is greater than you, one day when you finally make it to the league, then the league will be lucky to have you. If you go out there, go out with will and skills. stay true to who you are, and become the best of who you are. You don't need money if you are creative because you can wake up one morning and create a one-billion-dollar project.

Further exploration of Flexbox was undertaken.

Day Nine: 12/05/2023

Due to my commitments as a Godfather at a christening, I missed the morning prayers and motivational video:

The Mindset
You have two voices in your mind, one telling you it's impossible and the
other telling you it's possible. the possible voice keeps telling you to wake
up when feel like sleeping more, it tells you to run when your body is fragile, but guess what? That is the best voice. Losers always talk about how they lose but do nothing about it. Outwork everyone else. The most isolated thing in this world is effort. You have to be pissed off for greatness.

However, I caught up with the class and learned about Git and GitHub, focusing on pushing repositories and managing files.

Day Ten: 15/05/2023

After the morning routine, we emphasized the importance of perseverance:

Never give up
Do not live a life of expectation. Every day say to yourself " It's not over on
till I win". When you are struggling with achieving your goal, press on because it is a foundation to are building for a better tomorrow. If you feel like giving up, think about why you started.

We continued our journey with Git and GitHub, opening GitHub accounts and pushing our projects.

Day Eleven: 16/05/2023

Prayers and the motivational video highlighted the characteristics of a great Spartan, such as fearlessness, determination, courage, agility, and focus:

Characteristics of a Great Spartan
Focus, etc
we learned in that video that the greatest achievement of a Spartan is
to die a hero on the battlefield.

We also delved into basic terminal commands.

Day Twelve: 17/05/2023

On this day, I couldn’t attend the morning prayers and motivational video due to my role as a Godfather at a christening. However, I joined the class and focused on Git and GitHub, learning about pushing, creating repositories, and updating files.

Day Thirteen: 18/05/2023

After the morning prayers followed by the morning motivational video, I noted down these keywords:

Life Success and wealth don't solely rely on education; if you lack
organization, life will become chaotic. Embrace every aspect of life and
cherish each experience. When you give your all and it seems like hope is
lost, that's when you must persevere. Don't give up because every closed door opens another.

After the motivational video, we were introduced to Grid and its application in website building. Then we called it a day.

Day Fourteen: 22/05/2022

After the morning prayers followed by the morning motivational video, I captured these keywords:

Push on!!
Pushing on To achieve your life goals, you need to go the distance. Visualize your purpose in life and pursue it relentlessly, even if it leads you to great
heights like the sun.

After the motivational video, we cloned YouTube using Grid without employing Flexbox. We were then assigned the task of cloning Facebook. Then we called it a day.

Facebook Clone

Day Fifteenth: 23/05/2023

After the morning prayers followed by the morning motivational video, I captured these keywords:

Transformation You are in the right moment, year, day, and hour; all you need is the right mindset. Transformation sets us apart from others. A new year isn't truly new without a new mind. Eliminate the thoughts that trouble you in your head to eliminate them from your life. A new life comes from a new mind. The real battlefield is in your head, not your current circumstances.
Don't waste your energy on what others say about you. The real question is,
what do you say about yourself?

After the motivational video, we were briefly introduced to Tailwind. Then we called it a day.

Day Sixteen: 24/05/2023

After the morning prayers followed by the morning motivational video, I captured these keywords:

Character Your character is of utmost importance; talent alone is insufficient because talent can take you places, but your character will keep you there.
Whenever fatigue sets in and you feel like giving up, remember why you started in the first place and never surrender.

After the motivational video, we delved deeper into Tailwind. We learned how to integrate it into Visual Studio Code and apply its features. We discovered that with Tailwind, everything can be done within the HTML file. Then we called it a day.

Day Seventeen: 25/05/2023

After the morning prayers followed by the morning motivational video, I noted down these keywords:

Heroes always get up When life knocks you down, you have two options: "Give up" or "Get up." Heroes always choose to get up. The fight isn't over when you fall; it's over when you refuse to rise. Pain is temporary, and without pain, there is no gain.

After the motivational video, we built our first responsive website using Tailwind. Then we called it a day.

Responsive Website using Tailwind

Day Eighteen: 26/05/2023

After the morning prayers followed by the morning motivational video, I captured these keywords:

Don't exhaust yourself trying to please others; focus on pleasing God because that will lead you to righteousness. Don't conform to others' terms; define your own path. If you desire success as much as you want to breathe, then you are already successful. Sacrifice who you are for who you want to become.

After the motivational video, we continued with Tailwind, exploring its properties and functions. At the end of the day, we were informed that there would be no classes for over a week due to the inauguration of our new President-elect, Bola Akmed Asiwoju Tinbu(29/05/2023)

This was how I spent my first eighteenth days at learnFactory, I enjoyed my experience, and I also love the changes I faced because they made me work harder.

In conclusion

I want to thank the entire management of this great institute and their tireless efforts in bringing up software engineers.

a special Thanks goes to Mr. Chibueze for making my experience at learnFactory a memorable one, I pray that the good lord bless everyone In Jesus' name (Amen)

Follow me @bomaboy1996 for more articles




LearnFactory Nigeria

Am a young man with the ultimate goal of making heaven at last, though it's going to be tough