The Impact of Early Tech Introduction on Children: Exploring Benefits, Concerns and Way Forward

Nnedinma Nwadinobi
LearnFactory Nigeria
8 min readJun 5, 2023
Image by brgfx on Freepik

In today’s rapidly advancing world, technology has become an integral part of our daily lives, and its influence on children is undeniable. It has revolutionized the way we communicate, work, and even entertain ourselves. As technology becomes increasingly integrated into our daily routines, from smartphones and tablets to interactive toys, educational apps, and other digital devices, it is no surprise that there is a fundamental shift in the way kids interact, learn and perceive the world around them. This trend raises questions about the impact of early tech introduction on children and their development. In this article, we will explore the effects of early tech introduction on children and shed more light on the best approach to accomplish this.

Positive Impacts:

1. Improved Cognitive and Motor Skills Development:

Introducing children to technology at an early age can significantly enhance their cognitive skills. Children rely heavily on sensory experiences and hands-on activities to develop their cognitive skills. Interactive educational apps, games, and programs designed for young children help foster early learning experiences. These tools often incorporate elements of problem-solving, critical thinking, hand-eye coordination, mastering puzzles, memory games, creativity, and spatial awareness, stimulating a child’s brain and promoting logical reasoning and memory retention.

For instance, puzzle-solving games like “Flow Free” can stimulate critical thinking and enhance spatial reasoning in children. Children playing a puzzle-solving game on a tablet, where they are required to drag and connect the dots, help to improve their hand-eye coordination and logical reasoning abilities.

The game “Numbers Race” helps children learn basic math skills, while the app “ABC Mouse” teaches children the alphabet and basic reading skills.

Coding platforms like Scratch and Tynker, and other apps designed for children can introduce them to computational thinking and logical reasoning, through coding projects, fostering their cognitive abilities from an early age.

By engaging with technology, children can gain valuable skills such as numeracy, literacy, and logical reasoning, and fine-tune their motor skills, setting them on a path toward success in the digital age.

2. Foster Creativity and Imagination:

Technology can be a powerful tool for nurturing creativity and imagination in children. There are numerous applications and software that allow children to create artwork, build virtual worlds, or compose music, thereby unleashing their creative potential. For example, apps like “Procreate” and “GarageBand” provide intuitive interfaces for young users to create digital artwork and compose their own music. Drawing and painting apps, such as “Procreate Pocket” or “Toca Hair Salon,” enable children to experiment with colors, brushes, textures, effects, and artistic techniques. These apps encourage self-expression and can foster a sense of accomplishment in young creators.

For instance, a child using these tech tools may discover their passion for art and eventually pursue it as a creative outlet or career path.

3. Increased independence:

Technology can help children become more independent. There are a number of apps and software programs that allow children to learn how to do things for themselves, such as cooking, cleaning, and managing their finances. This can help children develop a sense of self-reliance and confidence.

4. Encourage Collaboration and Social Interaction:

Technology facilitates communication, social interaction, and collaboration, even at a young age. Online platforms, social media, and video chat applications enable children to connect with their peers, family members, and educators, fostering social skills and building relationships, regardless of geographical barriers. For example, many online games allow children to interact with other players from around the world.

Video conferencing tools like Zoom and Google Meet have become vital for remote learning, enabling students to participate in virtual classrooms and interact with teachers and classmates. Such interactions not only enhance communication skills but also contribute to the development of empathy, and cultural awareness, and promote teamwork and collaboration.

Additionally, technology provides opportunities for collaborative learning, as children can engage in group projects, participate in virtual classrooms, and work together on shared goals.

5. Cultivate Digital Literacy:

In today’s digital world, proficiency in technology is essential for future success. Introducing children to technology early on helps them develop digital literacy skills, ensuring they are well-prepared for the demands of the modern workforce. From understanding basic computer operations to navigating online platforms responsibly and information retrieval, early exposure to technology equips children with the necessary skills to thrive in a technology-driven society, as technological proficiency has become a prerequisite for many modern workforces.

Imagine a child using educational apps, interactive websites, or engaging with STEM-based toys that promote problem-solving and critical thinking skills. This exposure to technology, when balanced with other forms of learning, can foster digital literacy and prepare children for the increasingly digital world.

6. Improved Access to Learning Opportunities:

One of the significant benefits of early tech introduction is the abundance of educational resources available at children’s fingertips. With access to interactive learning apps, educational videos, and online learning platforms, children can acquire knowledge and skills in engaging and interactive ways. For instance, platforms like Khan Academy Kids and Coursera provide age-appropriate lessons on subjects ranging from math and science to language and art. Also, apps like “ABC Kids” or “Duolingo abc” provide interactive lessons in language development and literacy, making learning enjoyable for young learners. These apps can improve vocabulary, and problem-solving skills, and even foster creativity.

A child using an educational app to learn math concepts through gamification easily grasps mathematical operations in a more fun and engaging way compared to traditional methods.

By leveraging technology, children can access a vast array of learning materials and acquire knowledge at their own pace.

Potential Risks and Concerns:

While early tech introduction offers numerous benefits, it is essential to acknowledge and address the potential negative impacts and risks on children.

1. Over dependence and Addiction:

The sedentary nature of many technological activities poses a risk to children’s physical health. Technology addiction is also a growing problem among children and adolescents. Children who are addicted to technology tools may experience problems such as social isolation, poor academic performance, and sleep deprivation.

Excessive screen time can lead to a more sedentary lifestyle, which in turn increases the likelihood of childhood obesity and associated health issues. Lack of physical activity also affects motor skill development and coordination. Extended exposure to screens can lead to sedentary lifestyles, disrupted sleep patterns, eye strain, and impaired social interactions.

To illustrate, a study published in JAMA Pediatrics found that excessive screen time during early childhood was associated with an increased risk of developing overweight or obesity by the age of six.

2. Inappropriate Content, Cybersecurity, and Online Safety:

Another concern associated with early tech introduction is the potential risks such as exposure to inappropriate content, cyberbullying, and online predators.

Cyberbullying is a form of bullying that takes place online or through text messaging. Cyberbullying can have a devastating impact on children, leading to depression, anxiety, and even suicide.

Some children are exposed to violence through technology, such as violent video games or movies. This exposure to violence can increase the risk of aggressive behavior in children.

Young children may lack the necessary awareness and understanding of these online risks. They may inadvertently fall victim to cyberbullying, online predators, inappropriate content, unknowingly download malicious software or reveal personal details on social media platforms, exposing themselves to potential dangers.

3. Cognitive Development Concerns:

Excessive screen time at an early age may impede cognitive development, including attention span and memory formation.

A study published in the journal Pediatrics found that children who spent more time watching television before the age of three had significantly lower language comprehension and acquisition, attention span, math, and motor skills, at the age of six. This highlights the importance of limiting screen time during early childhood to promote healthy cognitive development. Excessive screen time, however, can hinder these critical aspects of development.

Consider a scenario where a toddler spends hours each day passively watching videos on a tablet instead of engaging in interactive play. This lack of active engagement may hinder their ability to develop language skills, imagination, and problem-solving abilities.

4. Emotional Well-being Issues:

The impact of early tech introduction on children’s emotional well-being is a topic of growing concern. While technology can provide entertainment and educational benefits, overstimulation and constant exposure to digital media can disrupt sleep patterns, increase anxiety, and impact emotional regulation.

For example, a survey conducted by the Royal College of Pediatrics and Child Health in the UK found that excessive social media use was linked to poor sleep, low self-esteem, and symptoms of depression among young people.

5. Social Interaction Challenges:

Early tech exposure can potentially hinder children’s development of social skills and face-to-face communication. Children who spend too much time on their screens instead of engaging in real-world interactions may experience difficulties in understanding non-verbal cues, empathy, building meaningful relationships, and isolation.

Balancing Tech Introduction To Maximize Benefits:

While the benefits of early tech introduction are evident, it is crucial to strike a balance between the potential benefits and risks of early tech introduction. By following the tips below, you can help your children reap the benefits of technology without exposing them to the potential risks.

1. Age-Appropriate Tech Usage:

Introduce technology to children at an age when they can understand and benefit from it. Establish clear rules about how much time your children can spend on screens each day. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that children under the age of two have no screen time at all and that children over the age of two should have no more than two hours of screen time per day.

There are many educational apps and games that can be beneficial for children. Make sure to choose content that is appropriate for your child’s age and interests.

2. Parental Involvement and Monitoring:

Parents should actively participate in their child’s tech experiences, providing guidance, setting rules, and monitoring content. Open communication about responsible tech use is essential.

Watch videos or play games with your children and talk about what you’re seeing and doing. This helps you bond with your children and make sure they’re using technology in a safe and appropriate way.

Talk to your children about the dangers of online predators, cyberbullying, and scammers. Teach them how to protect themselves online and show them how to use technology in a healthy and productive way, for learning, communication, and creativity.

3. Encouraging Diverse Activities: Balancing tech use with a wide range of activities is crucial for holistic development. Encourage children to engage in hands-on activities and outdoor play, creative pursuits, reading, and social interactions alongside technology.


While concerns about the potential drawbacks of early tech introduction are valid, when used responsibly and in moderation, technology can have a positive impact on a child’s development. The practical illustrations presented in this article emphasize the need for parents, caregivers, educators, and policymakers to guide and monitor children’s technology usage to ensure their well-rounded development. By understanding the potential impacts, we can harness the power of technology to support children’s growth and development into well-rounded individuals who can navigate the digital world responsibly while thriving in the physical one.



Nnedinma Nwadinobi
LearnFactory Nigeria

An online safety and digital security advocate sharing tips to help non-technical individuals and organizations protect their various digital assets