The Intern Files: Chukwubuikem Ezeoke

chibueze ukaegbu
LearnFactory Nigeria
3 min readAug 13, 2019

My name is Ezeoke Chukwubuike and I hail from Anambra state. I am an intern at LearnFactory Nigeria.

About a year ago, I was employed in the manufacturing sector and I never envisioned a foray or career in software development.

I had always dreaded coding because I opined it to be a very challenging and demanding task, this also meant I perceived coders as demigods. Notwithstanding, I encouraged my younger brother to code. He soon became hooked but quit when he got employed in a non technical sector.

My brother’s brief but eventful coding experience was the major motivating factor that prompted me to code. I was like “if Nonso could do so much in such little time, then I too should give it a try” but after 3 months of learning, I became discouraged when I couldn’t understand intermediate JavaScript topics like classes. Thence, I concluded to call it quits.

On second thoughts, I decided to give it a final shot. So, I restarted JavaScript right from the basics and that became my redemption. Thus, the knowledge and confidence I garnered on this second attempt became the bedrock and stamina of my appreciation and love of coding.

Early this year, 2019, I applied and was privileged to be accepted to the LearnFactory Internship. LearnFactory Nigeria is the foremost tech hub east of the Niger, located in Aba, the commercial capital of Abia state. Being at LearnFactory Nigeria was the next best thing that happened to me.

My learning curve and progression has geometrically accelerated plus I have access to good materials as well as senior developers who are always ready to resolve my challenges and put me right.

In the course of this internship, I have started and completed numerous projects both individually and collaboratively.

My Prominent React projects are:

1. To-do CRUD app —

2. A clone Jumia e-commerce website(team effort) —

3. Codecademy Ravenous app (built with Yelp API) —

You can view my other projects in my Github account —

LearnFactory Nigeria has helped me assuage my initial fears. Yes, coding can be quite challenging but with the right level of dedication, determination and practice anyone can be a demigod.

“When you talk about passion driven individuals, Chibuikem is a force to reckon with. His code is his joy, his bugs is his greatest worry and his time is measured by the availability of light. Coding for him is a do or die affair and that’s the spirit that keeps him excelling in the programming world. A tall able bodied champ whose more of a leader willing to help others get along easily. I believe the sky is his starting point in this software development world.” Vincent Chibuike

Like the inscription on his shirt says, we are raising Giants. It is indeed humbling everyday to see these young men and women metamorphose from newbies to confident coders like a beautiful butterfly finding her wings.

They will yet fly; the world is theirs for the taking.


Chief CodeSmith

