[Post 1]LINQ -Enumerable

Yashaswi Yogeshwara
Published in
1 min readOct 22, 2021

Enumerable is a data structures that can be iterated, counted or enumerated. Array, List, Dictionary are some data structures that are Enumerable.

In perspective of C# any Object that implements “IEnumerable” interface is an Enumerable. Array, List, Dictionary are some of the data structures that implement IEnumerable.

Every IEnumerable can support the use of “foreach()” method for iterating the collection. [This post limits itself to the concept of IEnumerable and does not divulge into “IEnumerable<T>”.]


IEnumerable is part of “System.Collections” namespace. IEnumearble contains only a single method “GetEnumerator()” which returns an “IEnumerator”.[A seperate post is being written on “IEnumerator” which would be published shortly.]

A series of posts would follow this that talk about “IEnumerator” , “Iterator Pattern” and “LINQ”.

The posts are written small intentionally. The purpose of these posts is to provide information in nuggets for faster assimilation, keeping it short and simple.


