Mastering Data Analytics: Chess Strategies Applied, Part 1

Drawing parallels between the strategic insights from Gary Kasparov’s Chess Play and Data Analytics

Daniel Schlon
Learning Data
Published in
5 min readNov 22, 2023


Created by DALL-E

“Chess helps you to concentrate, improve your logic. It teaches you to play by the rules and take responsibility for your actions, how to problem solve in an uncertain environment.” — Gary Kasparov


In “How Life Imitates Chess”, Gary Kasparov, a chess grandmaster, shares profound insights into strategy and decision-making. This blog post, the first in a two-part series (Part 2), explores how these chess strategies can be applied to the field of data analytics, enriched with personal insights from my career as a data analyst.

Chess Lesson: Strategic Thinking and Objectives

In chess, setting clear objectives and planning intermediate steps are essential for success. This approach involves understanding the game, foreseeing potential moves, and formulating a winning strategy.

Data Analytics Insight:

In data analytics, effective communication with stakeholders to clearly define project goals is crucial. I’ve learned from personal experience that without open and ongoing dialogue, there’s a risk of delivering analyses that don’t align with stakeholder needs. In one such instance, I provided an analysis that, while thorough, missed the mark on what was actually required, rendering it unusable. This was a valuable learning experience, teaching me the importance of regular alignment with project objectives, much like strategic planning on the chessboard.

Chess Lesson: Change and Flexibility

A chess player must be adaptable, ready to change strategies based on the opponent’s moves. This flexibility is key to staying ahead in the game.

Data Analytics Insight:

Adapting to new tools and methodologies is vital in data analytics, a field characterized by its rapid technological shifts. When I encountered the need to transition from Power BI to Tableau, it was my underlying skills in dashboard design that proved most valuable. Although the specifics of Tableau differed, my experience with data visualization principles allowed me to adapt my approach effectively. This experience reinforced a valuable lesson: the core competencies in data analysis provide a versatile foundation that can be applied across various tools and platforms. Such adaptability is essential, enabling analysts to pivot as needed and remain effective despite changing technological landscapes.

Chess Lesson: Self-Reflection and Improvement

In chess, continual self-analysis and learning from both victories and defeats are crucial for growth and mastery of the game.

Data Analytics Insight:

The need for self-reflection in data analytics is akin to a chess player’s continuous evaluation of their strategies. In my journey, diving deeper into the practical application of statistics significantly transformed how I approach data analysis. For instance, I delved into understanding how certain factors lead to specific outcomes, a concept known in statistics as cause-and-effect analysis. This shift from merely observing trends to questioning and analyzing the ‘why’ and ‘how’ behind data has allowed me to produce more accurate, insightful analyses. It helped me move away from making assumptions based on surface-level observations, which often led to biased conclusions. This deeper analytical approach, focusing on understanding the underlying reasons behind data trends, has made my work more robust and reliable.

Chess Lesson: Decision-Making Process

Chess requires a balance between intuition and calculated strategy. A player must trust their instincts but also back them up with thorough analysis and foresight.

Data Analytics Insight:

In data analytics, intuition serves as an initial compass, guiding the direction of our analysis. However, it’s crucial to anchor this intuition with solid, data-driven analysis. I learned this lesson during a complex project focused on root-cause analysis. Initially, my intuition led me to suspect a particular source for the issue we were facing. However, upon diving into the data, I discovered that the real cause was different than I had initially thought. This experience taught me the value of balancing instinct with empirical evidence. It highlighted that while intuition can point us in a direction, it’s the rigorous examination of data that unveils the true story. This approach has since become a cornerstone of my analytical method, ensuring that my conclusions are always grounded in data, not just gut feelings.

Chess Lesson: Creativity and Innovation

Chess encourages innovative thinking and the exploration of unconventional strategies to outmaneuver the opponent.

Data Analytics Insight:

Creativity in data analytics is not just a nice to have; it’s often the key to unlocking valuable insights from challenging situations. I remember a project where we needed to measure the effectiveness of a new feature on our e-commerce website by analyzing click-through rates. However, we hit a roadblock: our system wasn’t capturing click event data due to a technical glitch. Instead of waiting for a fix, I had to think outside the box. I realized that while direct click data was unavailable, we could infer user interactions by examining the URL patterns in the landing page data. By creatively parsing these URLs, I was able to approximate the click-through rates and provide the team with the insights they needed. This experience was a testament to the power of creative thinking in data analytics — turning a limitation into an opportunity for innovative problem-solving.

Chess Lesson: Performance Review

Regularly reviewing and analyzing one’s performance in chess is crucial to understanding and improving one’s play.

Data Analytics Insight:

Setting specific alerts for KPI shifts in data analytics projects is a practical application of this principle, ensuring proactive monitoring and continual improvement.

Chess Lesson: Avoiding Complacency

In chess, a player must continually evolve and learn new strategies to stay competitive.

Data Analytics Insight:

This need for continuous learning and adaptation is mirrored in data analytics. Establishing routines for staying informed, such as reading industry articles and following experts, keeps me agile and informed in this fast-evolving field.


In this first part of the series, we have explored how strategic lessons from chess can provide valuable insights into the practice of data analytics. By understanding these parallels, data analysts can enhance their strategic thinking, adaptability, and continuous learning approach.

Call to Action:

Consider these chess strategies and reflect on how they can be integrated into your own data analytics practices. What lessons can you draw from chess to enrich your analytical approach?

See Part 2

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-Team Maven



Daniel Schlon
Learning Data

Data Analyst | Sport analytics | Sport betting | self taught | lifelong learner