Monthly Data Challenges: Crafting an Analytical Persona

Subhasis Das
Learning Data
2 min readAug 20, 2024


Participating in monthly data challenges is a transformative experience that sharpens your analytical skills while fostering creativity. These challenges push you to explore real-world datasets, solve complex problems, and present findings in a clear, actionable way.

Over time, this iterative process molds your analytical persona, making you more adept at critical thinking, problem-solving, and data-driven storytelling.

The Growth Journey

Each month presents a new challenge, often centered around different industries and themes, such as finance, healthcare, or e-commerce. Tackling these challenges helps you:

  • Expand Your Toolset: You get hands-on experience with various tools like Power BI, Python, SQL, and Excel, allowing you to become proficient in multiple platforms.
  • Enhance Your Analytical Thinking: The complexity of the tasks requires you to think critically and approach problems from multiple angles.
  • Develop Data Storytelling Skills: Presenting your findings in a coherent and compelling way is crucial, especially when addressing non-technical audiences.

Real-World Applications

These challenges are not just theoretical. They mirror real-world scenarios, helping you gain insights into different business problems.

For instance, Maven Analytics offers guided projects across various industries, enabling participants to build portfolios that demonstrate their analytical capabilities. Similarly, FP20 Analytics provides advanced data visualization challenges that refine your skills in presenting data-driven insights.

Organizers Behind the Challenges

  • Maven Analytics: Known for its industry-specific guided projects, Maven Analytics is a hub for data enthusiasts looking to build portfolios that impress potential employers.
  • FP20 Analytics: Specializes in Power BI challenges, often in collaboration with ZoomCharts, offering participants access to advanced visualization tools and personalized mentorship.
  • Onyx Data: Offers a diverse range of data challenges, pushing participants to develop both technical and soft skills.
  • Codebasics: Focuses on practical challenges that simulate real-world data problems, providing a platform for budding data analysts to showcase their skills.

By participating in these monthly challenges, you not only build your technical expertise but also cultivate a mindset geared towards continuous learning and improvement — a key trait of a successful data professional.

The contents of external submissions are not necessarily reflective of the opinions or work of Maven Analytics or any of its team members.

We believe in fostering lifelong learning and our intent is to provide a platform for the data community to share their work and seek feedback from the Maven Analytics data fam.

Submit your own writing here if you’d like to become a contributor.

Happy learning!

-Team Maven



Subhasis Das
Learning Data

BBA student and data analytics enthusiast. Passionate about uncovering insights and storytelling with data. Join me in exploring business intelligence!