Overlapping and Target Charts in Power BI

Gerard Duggan
Learning Data


….using native visuals


Overlapping and bullet style charts are a good way to demonstrate whether a target is being met, or to show period over period performance.

Native BI visuals, on the face of it do not appear to provide the option of creating these. But with a few formatting tricks and creativity, we can create them together, both vertical and horizontal versions.

Vertical style bullet and overlapping charts
Horizontal style target line and overlapping charts

Sample Data

I have opted to use quite a simple dataset here for illustrative purposes. You can try this, or else any datasets with similar content.

This is six fictional schools with average testing scores between 2015 and 2022. I want to be able to show the current years testing score, with the context of the previous year score as a comparison.

Sample Data

I have pivoted the data to show schools, years and test scores, and also created a disconnected date table showing the years. You can download a copy of the base

