R Programming Series (Part 5): Functions In R

Beginner’s Guide

Shana Nasrin
Published in
3 min readAug 1, 2024


Photo by Cris DiNoto on Unsplash

Functions are really important in a programming language. In this chapter, let’s explore all about functions!

First things first,

What is a Function?

A function is a group of code that, when called or invoked, carries out a certain purpose. R functions are crucial for structuring and modularizing code, which improves readability, reusability, and maintainability.

Numerous built-in functions in R are available for a variety of tasks, and you can also create your own custom functions to meet your specific needs.

The syntax of the function includes a function name followed by parentheses(). Inside the parentheses are the arguments or parameters that the function may accept.

General Structure of Function

Function_name <- function(argument1, argument2,…)
# body of the function
# It contains multiple statements
return(result) # optional: return statement to output the result

Now, let’s elaborate the function components,

  1. Function name: The name that recognizes the function. It should be descriptive and follow the rules of variables in R.

