Unleashing Business Insights with Power BI: A Comprehensive Guide
(Part I)

Aaron Parry
Learning Data
7 min readAug 29, 2023


Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels

The Intro

Business Intelligence is the process of… wait, how many times have you started to read an article to find that it really isn’t helpful or, worse, boring and uninteresting?

Well, you’re in luck! Not only is this article boring but there’s also nothing here that can be applied in the real world — haha just joking 😁

Anyway, if you’re like me, you’ve probably read a bunch of “comprehensive guide” articles in the past that fall a bit short of being comprehensive or don’t provide any real, tangible benefits. Well, I’d like to change that and really help you understand both why business insight is critical to an organization and how it’s accomplished.

The Challenge

Business insights or business intelligence (BI) is more than just a buzzword; it’s what guides organizations toward informed, intelligent, and impactful decisions. At its core, BI encompasses the processes, technologies, and tools that allow businesses to transform raw data into actionable insights.

The key here is actionable insights; more specifically, data-driven actionable insights. Without data-driven actionable insights, it’s just not business intelligence.

So how do we get there?

Well, when implemented properly, a BI solution empowers executives, managers, and employees at all levels with the ability to process and comprehend complex data sets, discern trends, identify opportunities, predict potential challenges, and provide clear recommendations to help move the business forward.

Woah, that sounds complex. Surely there’s a tool that can help me out!?!

The Solution

You’re in luck! (You didn’t think I’d actually leave you hanging, did you?)

As we explore data-driven decision-making, one tool stands out as a powerhouse for BI implementation — Microsoft Power BI.

This robust platform was developed by Microsoft to provide organizations with self-serve analytics capabilities and empowers users to connect to various data sources, create interactive visualizations, and share actionable insights across the organization effortlessly.

I know that’s a pretty lofty statement, but it’s really true — Power BI is a BEAST!

The Flow

In this multi-part blog series, we’ll explore the potential of Power BI by exploring its features, functionalities, and real-world applications. From crafting captivating dashboards to unraveling the intricacies of data transformation, I’ll guide you on a journey to harnessing the full potential of your data.

Here’s some of what you’ve got to look forward to:

Part I (you are here)

  • Understanding Power BI: The Basics

Part II

  • Up & Running with Power BI
  • Connecting to Data & Transformation (ETL!)

Part III

  • Data Modeling 101

Part IV

  • Calculations with DAX

Part V

  • Building Captivating Visuals
  • Interactive Dashboard Design & Best Practices

Part VI

  • Collaborating and Sharing
  • Looking to the future?

So, fasten your seatbelt as we embark on a voyage into the world of Business Intelligence and Power BI!

Part I — Understanding Power BI: The Basics

At its core, Power BI is a comprehensive suite of business intelligence tools that offers a seamless integration of data from multiple, diverse sources. Whether they reside in cloud-based services, on-premises databases, or external APIs, Power BI can connect to them all.

This ability to bring disparate data together allows users to uncover connections and insights that might have otherwise remained hidden.

So how does this happen?

The key components of Power BI

Power BI consists of several integral components that collectively empower users to extract maximum value from their data. Like I’ve hinted at, here are the main components:

#1- Power BI Desktop

  • A robust application for creating data models, reports, and visualizations
  • Offers a drag-and-drop interface for building interactive visuals
  • Enables data transformation, modeling, and integration from diverse sources

#2- Power Query

  • A data transformation and connection ETL tool used within Power BI Desktop
  • Enables data cleansing, shaping, and merging from multiple sources
  • Supports data preparation through an intuitive interface

#3- Data Modeling

  • An in-memory data modeling component embedded in Power BI Desktop
  • Handles large datasets efficiently for rapid analysis
  • Allows users to create relationships between tables and create calculated measures

#4- DAX (Data Analysis Expressions)

  • A formula language used in Power BI for creating custom calculations
  • Helps users generate complex calculations, measures, and aggregations
  • Supports advanced data manipulation within models

#5- Report View

  • Visualization component within Power BI Desktop
  • Enables the creation of interactive reports with charts, tables, and maps
  • Offers dynamic filtering and drill-through capabilities

#6- Power BI Service

  • A cloud-based platform for publishing, sharing, and collaborating on Power BI content. Collaborate with teammates or share with your whole organization
  • Facilitates collaboration through features like commenting and sharing
  • Hosts dashboards, reports, and datasets that can be accessed from anywhere

#7- Power BI Mobile

  • Mobile applications (iOS and Android) for accessing Power BI content on the go
  • Optimized for various screen sizes, ensuring data remains accessible and visually appealing

As you can see, there is quite a bit wrapped up into the Power BI ecosystem and one of the coolest things is that it’s constantly evolving!

The Power BI team at Microsoft is hard at work and rolls out updates every month like new features and functionality, new and updated data connectors, UI/UX enhancements, and much more. If you haven’t yet, I’d highly recommend subscribing to the Power BI blog to stay up-to-date on the latest and greatest.

Keep in mind that this is just the tip of the iceberg. Power BI offers many more features and additional functionality like:

  • NLP tools
  • ML models
  • Row-level security
  • Sensitivity labels to safeguard sensitive data/content
  • Dataflows & report automation
  • Cloud-based report authoring
  • ➕ much more!

The Larger Microsoft Ecosystem

In addition to a robust Power BI ecosystem, Power BI also integrates with many other Microsoft services to further help teams and organizations drive value for their organization and put data at the heart of their decision-making.

Here are some of the ways that Power BI is used within the larger Microsoft ecosystem:

Power Apps

  • Power BI and Power Apps can be used together to create comprehensive solutions. You can embed Power BI reports and dashboards directly within Power Apps to provide data insights within your custom applications
  • Power Apps can also act as input forms to update data in the data sources, which can then be visualized and analyzed in Power BI

Power Automate

  • Power Automate (formerly Flow) allows you to automate workflows and processes across various applications and services. Power BI can trigger or be triggered by Power Automate flows
  • For instance, you can create a flow that sends an email or notification when a certain condition is met in a Power BI report, or you can use Power Automate to update data sources based on insights from Power BI

Power Virtual Agents

  • Power Virtual Agents is a tool for creating chatbots. These chatbots can also integrate with Power BI to provide data-driven responses to users’ queries
  • You can build chatbots that fetch insights from Power BI reports and present them to users within a chat interface


  • Azure provides a wide range of cloud services, including data storage, data processing, machine learning, and more. Power BI can connect to data sources in Azure, such as Azure SQL Database, Azure Data Lake Storage, and Azure Analysis Services
  • Azure services can be used to preprocess and transform data before feeding it into Power BI for visualization and insight

Fabric (currently in preview)

  • Fabric is an end-to-end, unified analytics platform that brings together all the data and analytics tools that organizations need
  • Fabric integrates technologies like Azure Data Factory, Azure Synapse Analytics, and Power BI into a single unified product, empowering data and business professionals alike to unlock the potential of their data and lay the foundation for the era of AI

Microsoft Teams

  • Power BI’s integration with Microsoft Teams allows you to share Power BI reports, dashboards, and insights directly within Teams channels and chats
  • This integration enhances collaboration by allowing team members to discuss and analyze data in real time within the Teams environment


  • Power BI reports can be embedded directly into SharePoint Online pages, enhancing the ability to share data insights within your organization

Phew, I’m exhausted! And, we really haven’t even scratched the surface yet, we’ve really only looked at the ecosystem.

In the next part of the blog series, we’ll dig deeper into Power BI Desktop and better understand exactly how to get started and how to connect to and add data to Power BI.

Stay tuned for part II, we’ve got a lot to cover!

Learn on 🤘
- Aaron

Interested in learning more Power BI from Aaron and the other Maven experts?

Check out Part II & Part III of his Comprehensive Power BI Guide here on Medium, and check out our course catalog!

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  • Super Early Bird — Save 25%: Friday, March 29th
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  • Admissions Close: Friday, April 19th

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Aaron Parry
Learning Data

Lead Power BI instructor @ Maven Analytics, girl dad, adventurer, and collector of data