Learning Environments Intro

We work shaping not teaching formats but what we call “learning environments”.

Interstellar Raccoons
Learning Environments


Learning Environments are immersive relational environments, community based, in which groups of individuals shape their own learning and design experience.

They can be both physical and virtual and rely on many different tools. In this sense the role of the teacher changes, it’s not anymore just a frontal transmission of knowledge, but acquiring functions close to the facilitator and the community manager.

We believe in the power of diversity — so we bring together people from various backgrounds and levels of experience.

Task of the coordinator is to shape and implement the most appropriate environment according to people involved, space/time/resources frames and goals.

This makes learning environments more horizontal than usual teaching approaches. But we like to emphasize it also with peer to peer design process creating conditions in which mutual help assists general learning and contributes to the whole group.

We also put a lot of effort into understanding and balancing group/individual work and relations indicating moments in process where it is more efficient to move together and then to move forward developing things individually.

Learning environments proved to enhance experience of students in the previous experiments augmenting engagement, commitment and reliability of participant, as well as quality of output and general coherence were significantly higher than average.

For this post we used some photos by Evelyn Leveghi, Ksenia Rogacheva, Giada Midori Albonico Tsuchihashi. If you find here your photo, but not your name, please let us know.

