High Output Management/Andrew Grove (1983)

How to Build a Happy and Effective Team

Former Intel CEO Andy Grove can help

Avi Solomon
Published in
2 min readApr 20, 2013


Building a team that can tackle multiple projects and survive to thrive over time is always a difficult challenge for any manager. Here are some tips (channeled via Andy Grove’s 1983 classic tome “High Output Management”) that have worked for me:

Have a weekly open agenda one-on-one meeting with each team member

Just sit down and listen first. Provide feedback and direction as needed. Have a separate weekly group meeting for the whole team. If your team grows to more than 10 members, spin off a new team and appoint a manager who will follow these tips☺.

Envision a career path for each team member

How can every task they perform and every skill they learn now mesh together to empower them ten years down the line? Do this exercise sincerely even when you have no idea what the future will bring. The goodwill and trust generated is priceless forever.

Give the team goals and and get out of the way

Your team members were not hired to be micro-managed. Give them the space to do their job. Save your course corrections for the weekly group or one-one-one meeting.

Look out for your team

Ask or fight for resources and raises for your team when needed.

Note: All this works well for managing a family too:)

High Output Management by Andrew Grove (1983)

