American Angels

Learning from America
3 min readAug 5, 2018

I’ve been adding to the murky discussion of American problems by writing a couple of articles in this publication, although I’m doing it to make sense of the problem while immersing myself in the American life. So, I’d like to add two uplifting stories during my 2010 trip to east coast that was mentioned in previous article about racism.

picture taken from the low-flying small airplane between pittsburgh & newark

Bob From Texas

Two European colleagues and I were having lunch together at a cafe while an old couple said hi to us from the next table. Bob from Texas, and his wife, were having a drink while waiting for a wedding party later that day. They flew in the day before and attended the church ceremony in the morning.

It was the first time I encountered a Texan man, so outgoing, friendly, and curious of people. He asked where we came from, what we were doing in Pittsburgh, because he overheard our conversation.

I had to catch my flight that night, while my colleagues would leave on the following day. They reminded me to find a taxi to take us back to the hotel, so then I could check out and leave for the airport. I asked the cashier for help, because I only had my international roaming mobile phone.

The taxi took too long to come, so I went out and waited for the taxi at the street side. As soon as the taxi came, I ran toward the cafe and asked my colleagues to grab the bill and pay. The Texan couple had left. I missed the interesting conversation! Now what? The waitress told us that our bill had been paid by them.

We were obviously surprised. In the taxi we had a cheerful chat about the Texan couple until I said goodbye to my colleagues in front of the hotel.

The Airport Shopkeeper

I have a habit of sending postcards to friends who collect them. For that trip, I was planning of sending a Pittsburgh one to a friend. I saw a mailbox at the airport. I decided to send a postcard there, rather than getting lost in New York to do so.

So I went to an airport shop to get a postcard, and then I asked where I could buy some stamps. The shopkeeper said that I could get it at the airport post office. She showed me the direction a little bit out of my way to boarding gate. However she wanted to check whether the post office was open or not, because it was Saturday. She made a phone call and no one picked up. “Apparently it’s closed,” she said.

I said thank you and thought that I could ask my friend in New York about finding stamps. I started to walk away, but she said, “Hang on, I think I know where to find a stamp. Just wait here.”

She went to another shop, disappeared a bit, and came back out with a smile. Walking briskly toward me with a stamp, sticker style, stuck to her finger, she said, “Yes, I found it! Here it is!” I was amazed. She went the extra miles to consider that I could send my postcard before I boarded my flight.

I could only say thank you again and again. I dropped the postcard in the mailbox and continued my journey toward the boarding gate. With joy.

We can find angels everywhere. I have found them in any countries. Americans are no different. I wrote a year ago that American people caught my heart before I settled in their country. May the people, like what I wish for all humans, including me, continually improve our life by realizing our Self, serving what we’re on Earth for.

