Learn 1 Word in German Every Day -or even more!-

Nisa Ekin Erman
Learning German
Published in
2 min readJun 25, 2024

I have been learning German for a year, and I want to help all of you who struggle to learn new words in German!

Photo by Annika Gordon on Unsplash

German is a widely spoken language in Europe and is known as one of the most difficult languages to learn. Each noun has an article, and many verbs are very similar to each other due to the use of prefixes. For example: schreiben, aufschreiben, abschreiben, anschreiben, … and so on! These all seem very similar, but each has a different meaning. If you want to learn more about these, keep reading!

I am starting a new series for language learners: “Learn 1 Word in German Every Day.” In this series, I will post a blog featuring one word from each level (A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2 or basically beginner-intermediate-advanced) so anyone can learn something related to their level. Not only words from each level, but also some confusing words (like the ones I mentioned above, such as “schreiben” and its similar words) will be explained here.

The key feature of my blog entries is that I will explain each word in context by using it in sentences. Based on my personal experience, the most effective way to learn a word is to grasp its proper usage

If everyone is ready, “Los geht’s!”. Keep following my account on Medium ❤



Nisa Ekin Erman
Learning German

a molecular biology and genetics student who loves to learn, read and write ✨