Unlearn to learn

Brooklynn copenhaver
Published in
2 min readJul 1, 2020

We are not much of a DIY at home. We didn’t learn the basics growing up and never had the opportunity to get into remodeling the kitchen or building a new deck.

The one thing we’ve done is painting a wall.

It was an old apartment with dark-colored walls that didn’t match our mood.

It was interesting to learn that when painting over an existing color, you have to first scratch that color, so you can then paint over a clean surface. It was as even more interesting to learn, the hard way, that this part of the job would take even more time than the painting itself.

We learned that lesson.

Being a parent its a lot like painting.

We grew up creating a parenting picture. What do to, what to say, how to react, and most importantly how to discipline…

Years later, that wall is fully covered.

But we continue to paint over it with new insights, new experiences, and new reflections.

You can imagine how that wall looks today.

Probably the right approach would be to start to unlearn some of the old hues and shades so we can make room for the new colors to shine.

Unlearn to make room for new learnings.

But where to start, right?

What about this?

It’s only natural that in a world more and more virtual, we would create our own virtual influencers.

Meet Miquela (aka “Lil Miquela”). She is a CGI digital avatar with 2.2 million Insta followers and 550,000 TikTok followers.

Before you meet this with judgment, explore it with curiosity. Maybe it can help unlearn a few old paradigms.

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