Intercom Templates: Product feedback as a lead nurture strategy

Kyle Conarro
Learning how to SaaS
3 min readJun 25, 2019

Every good sales/client success rep knows that one of the best ways to bring an account/opportunity back to life is to reach out to them with product updates. Even more impactful is reaching out with product updates specific to what that prospect has asked about or requested in the past. This creates a more personal touch, shows that you’re still improving the product based on their input, and might even inform them that you now offer the feature that was the roadblock to them becoming a customer. So, why can’t marketers do the same with their lead nurture strategies?

With Intercom, they can!

Image source: Intercom

Create segments in Intercom for specific feedback given

To implement this nurture strategy, high-level Intercom tags won’t work. If you tag all feedback with the tag “feedback,” you won’t know the specific feature a user was requesting.

This is where Userfeed comes in.

For each new feedback posts created in Userfeed, a custom Intercom tag is created and associated with that Userfeed post (:userfeed appended to the tag). Any users added to that post will get the custom Intercom tag automatically. This creates user segments in Intercom that are specific to a certain feature request or bug.

Lead nurture strategy: close the loop

When you release new features it’s important to send a personal message to those that gave you feedback on that feature. Not an automated, “This feature is complete,” message. That tells them nothing about the new feature or how to use it. If some of these users have gone dark (non-paying), do you think an automated “feature complete” message is going to bring them back? Nope…

For our own SaaS business, we have a process for product update engagement:

  • Message all users via email to give a bulk update once every 3 months
  • An in-app message and/or product tour for each new feature. We send this to anyone that logs in, but is not a new sign-up
  • An email message to the segment of users that requested that specific new feature regardless of whether they’re an active user or not

The last one is so important for encouraging more feedback in the future and as a lead nurture strategy for prospects/users who have gone dark. Shoot, it’s likely that the reason they went dark in the first place was because you didn’t offer that functionality at the time they used the product.

Send a detailed update to the segment of users that requested that specific new feature

Here’s an example of a response we recently received from a prospect that never became a paid customer:

Intercom Templates: Product feedback as a lead nurture strategy

Our product feedback-based nurturing paid off! In this case, the company is waiting for their contract to end before they can look at other products. What do you think the chances are that this user immediately searches us out when that time comes?

Pretty high.

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